What can I say? I had gotten hold of a jar of oxide red and my mind went wild. I found it to be a very compelling color last week and for some reason a nude seemed to lend itself to the train of thought. Tissue paper on the surface for texture and then a gradual building up of the red. The nude seemed to emerge from the background. It's a beginning!
This is my latest angel portrait and I have to admit I really liked her a bunch. I used real fabric for the gown and started by tea staining it and then adding layers of yellow and sienna glazes until I thought it was right. I am pleased with the result which is a change for me, I usually have dueling emotions about my work and there have been times when a bonfire seemed the logical choice. But I think she will be spared being considered as fuel for the cleansing blaze!
I have been working quite hard this past week to pick up the pace on my painting and bring some of my ideas to life before I am bored with them, haha. Yes I do get bored easily, one of my faults I fear. Here is the last piece I just put on Ebay, two others went on a few days ago and I am including photos of those as well. Today I have a new idea, I am trying to use watercolors to tint paper that I can then add in collage fashion to the next painting I have planned. The trick is I would love to do this on something similar to tissue paper only I am sure it would not hold up to being fussed with too much and I am wondering how something like hairspray being added after the color is dropped and dried, would that stiffen the paper sufficiently? Hmmmm.
Some things just have to be done! I found this adorable wall table in an attic and even though it was not in good condition I took that to be a call to action. Much plastic wood and sanding later I had a pretty good surface to paint on and decided a simple folk art angel in a primitive style was a good choice. It's on Ebay now and we will see if the rest of the world thinks so...:) Whatever happens, I love it!
I just had to do something with this little 8" x 8" canvas and with the addition of texture medium and judicious application of crackle medium I just felt the colors I chose reminded me of morning breaking on an autumn morning. I think it would look really snappy hanging on point, what do you think?
Yep I really did an abstract painting and I enjoyed doing it. I have to admit listening to classical music helps set the mood for color choice and style. I started with some old board game cards and pasted them all over the canvas with gel medium, then 2 coats of gesso. I dug out my stash of decorative papers and scissors, match some paper and the colors I wanted to use and went to town. Sometimes I wish I could just stay up all night and keep right on a going..haha!