
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Having Fun With Making Do!

Whenever I can take something someone was going to trash and give it a new life in my home, I am happy and over the last few months I came across a number of such items and here they are:
Contestant number 1, come on down....
I rescued a few old drawers originally from an old bureau, that were slated for the burn-pile (yes they still have burn-piles in upstate New York) and made a few shelves that I think turned out quite cute.
After priming and then painting them I decided to add vintage wallpaper to the background before adding the little shelf. Well of course that wasn't enough so I fashioned trim from some basswood I had (although basswood is easy to cut it is also easy to break so 1/4 ply would have been better...oh well live and learn huh?)
Contestant #2, come on down....

I was given three huge bags of white silk flowers!!! What to do with fake flowers??? I gave some away and was about to despair when I came across my little fake Christmas tree and had an idea....and voila! Flower Power Christmas!
Contestant #3 Come on down!
Old frame bought at a garage sale for .50  and a roll of chicken wire being thrown away....some tacks, white paint, wire for hanging and ta-da we have a card holder!
And finally we have ....
Contestant #4 .......An Iron Thingy, black and dingy, but with some white paint, a little sandpaper for distressing and we have.....
A White Iron Thingy!!!

I have to admit this is one of my favorite things to do, salvage and restore or reuse. 

In closing I did want to add my wishes that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that this New Year will usher in a time of unsurpassed joy for us all. All of you I have gotten to know here on Blogger have become very special to me and I hope we will all triumph over whatever challenges come our way this New Year and come out the other end shining like the stars we truly are! God bless you and your homes!

Tina xo
P.S. Sorry if any photos have posted more than once. I have no idea why Blogger does that to me sometimes and I can't see it when I check the post so I have no way to delete any extras that may have been added. SIGH!


  1. Great recycling and upcycling projects.

    I, for one, hate the way blogger works now for posting. Their idea of an upgrade sure doesn't work for me. I liked the way the old interface worked. This new one is giving me fits. Definitely not easier to use!

    Wishing you blessings in the new year, Tammy

  2. I love all of your "new" creations. All pretty and useful. :) Happy New Year, my dear!

  3. Hi Tina,
    Love what you've done with your make do items, especially your grille, (or to use the technical term, white iron thingy!). LOL
    I'd love to have you link them at "What's It Wednesday". Hope you can come.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Some one has not been sitting on their hands. Lots of work and lots of fun.

  5. Your imagination and creativity are amazing! You have indeed given new life to things forgotten. DEEE-lightful!

    Wishing you much joy Tina!


  6. Tina honey could not let this old year end without checking on you.
    I do love how you restore something old and make it into something special
    Your drawers turned out too cute and I love the tree.
    You have been a big blessing in my life this year and I wanted you to know that and I to hope for the best that the new year has to offer comes your way. We could both use a good year.
    Happy New Year

  7. Happy New Year Tina! May this next year be full of joyful opportunities!
    Your up cycled treasures here are fab! You really have an amazingly creative mind! I love each project but find the pink shelf adorable!

  8. how creative! i can tell you were having fun! happy new year to you :)

  9. Hope 2012 will be a very happy year for you with lots more creative projects to get stuck into.
    Happy New Year to you! :0)


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo