
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Birds Flying to Etsy

I got these little guys finished finally! I love papier mache, but it does require patience. All the waiting for layers to dry and then painting and adding glitter, making their little ribbon covered legs....etc.

What makes it all worth it? They put a smile on my face!
I hope you have some fun Christmas projects going that put a smile on your face too!

Tina xo


  1. These birds are very beautiful....

  2. Your patience paid off... the are wonderful! They made me smile too :) t.xoxoxxo

  3. They put a smile on my face too, Tina! Fabulous!

  4. These are so cute! I can imagine one on my dresser. Well done, dear! :)

  5. All I've ever gotten with my paper mache,,, is a big mess! So. I applaud you for being able to form these graceful little creatures, they are just sweet.

  6. My your are keeping busy. Haircut and all.

  7. I've somehow missed your posts and have really enjoyed seeing what you have been up too!! You really have been busy with the lovely Gisele, and the paper mache, which I have also done and nothing I ever did turned out like what you've created! :-) But I'm glad you are remembering yourself too--I really like your new haircut!! I've worn my hair like that, and I loved it!!

  8. Good evening, Tina,
    These are just the sweetest little birds. You are so talented!

    Happy Monday ~Natalie

  9. Tina honey these birds would make me smile too. Their lovely. I love your new haircut too. Your a beautiful lady and I am glad you shared your pic with us.
    Hope you enter my latest giveaway because it ends Friday and one of these times your number is going to come up on that ole generator thing.
    Love Ya

  10. Really little works of art! Very pretty!

  11. Hi Tina, WOW these gorgeous birds are beautiful and I love all the little details that make them so special. You are just amazingly talented my friend.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and many blessings in the new year.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  12. Definitely worth the effort. They do have a vintage look to them. :)

  13. So sweet and congrats on controlling papier mache! :), I love your Christmas project!

  14. They are darling!! I know what you mean, I don't care how long it takes if I am having fun and it turns out oK. My son made it home safe and sound 4 hours ago, now I can breath!

    Merry Christmas

  15. Oh they are such joyful little creations.. I wish you a most happy Christmas

  16. Hi Tina, they are so, so sweet.

    Wishing you a happy and blessed New Year!

    Barb ♥

  17. Blessings to you Miss Tina! May your New Year be happy and healthy and blessed by God.

    Love to you girl~


  18. Such happy little birdies! They certainly chase away the cold and snowy winter day!

    Wishing you and yours much joy in the coming New Year!

    Most warmly,


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo