
Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday and Family

Growing up and having attended parochial school in Quebec, Easter and all the days leading up to it were observed in some way.
There was of course the obligatory Lent fasting (I usually gave up chocolate) Ash Wednesday (one of my favorites) and Palm Sunday (I loved the story of Jesus arriving in town and having people lay Palm fronds before Him)!
My mother lit candles in the evening and there was the preparation of a huge Easter feast (our family was turkey all the way, no ham at the Smith house).

Family history was important and many were the times my mother told us stories about Great Grandmother McDonald and how strict she was. Being Irish and Catholic was who and what she was and she never wavered in her faith and her pride.
I am lucky enough to have her little prayer book entitled "Prayers of an Irish Mother" which is well-worn and has been repaired many times.

My great grandmother Catherine and her only daughter Maude kept a tight ship-shape home and Holy days were no exception. So in keeping with family tradition and in gratitude of Our Lord's sacrifice I offer this post to families everywhere who are keeping this special time sacred.
God bless you and yours this day!


  1. hi tina! i come from a catholic family too and we always observed our catholic traditions. i love that little prayer book, and those glass cross candlestick are awesome! if you have time, will you come by to my blog and comment where you got those? i am sure they are antique...i have never seen anything like that before. we always gave up sweets but as we got older for some reason we were allowed to eat them on sundays? not sure why but perhaps that was the trend in our parish...have a lovely easter weekend!

  2. Hello Tina!! It's so good to be able to relax this evening and read your post! I am not Catholic but have a lot of friends who are, and I love the traditions of the church during Easter and hearing theirs and your memories of it. I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!!!

  3. Hi Tina! What wonderful traditions. Happy Easter to you and your family.

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  4. I know the old catholic traditions, your story and pictures are wonderful, enjoy these days!

  5. Thank you for sharing the story of your Easter traditions. Such lovely memories indeed!

    Wishing you and your family Easter celebrations filled with peace, light, and special blessings.


  6. Wishing you a very Happy Easter, Tina!
    ~ Zuzu

  7. Happy Easter to you and your loved ones, I believe in family traditions! Blessings from all of us here at Dog trot Farm.

  8. A very belated Happy Easter to you!...I'm Catholic so I know and do it all!



Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo