
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


And I do mean WOW! March has been a heck of a month around here so far. I had not even realized how long it had been since I had posted.....
Well let's remedy that right now!

My biggest thrill this past month was receiving my mug mat from Natalie over at Tins and Treasures. What a sweet, sweet lady and when the parcel arrived I was having a grey day and this precious mug mat lifted my spirits immediately!
The colors were perfect for my kitchen and Natalie had coffee stained it so it really seemed so vintage. It was the ideal touch!
And in addition to this precious mat Natalie included one of her oh so sweet tins loaded with chocolate (which disappeared in a heartbeat). She also added a few samples of flavored coffee and lovely tea, which have also long since vanished...Hmmmm!
How cozy and homey is this hand-decorated tin? Thank you so much Natalie for such a lovely package, I am so happy to have had you as my swap partner!
And a huge thank you to Donna over at Brynwood Needleworks  Donna is the wonderful lady who sponsored and organized the swap! 
I am always amazed at the incredible talent I see everyday on Blogger and these two ladies have extraordinary talents and truly lovely blogs. Give yourself a BIG treat and visit their blogs when you have a moment to sit and won't be disappointed!


  1. I can see how your gifts lifted your spirits! How nice are THEY? I know you'll use them and think of Natalie!
    I hope Spring is springing at your house. And that you are having a great week. I missed seeing your posts!


  2. Lovely "old" things! How nice is that!!!

  3. Your mat is beautiful honey and I know it did lift your spirits when you opened your package.
    It is wonderful all the sweet friends out here in this awesome world of blogging.
    Hope you are doing well and that your weekend was great.
    I will have to catch up with you while I am here.
    Love ya

  4. so glad you got a gift to lift your day. I love getting blogger gifts, the wrapping is as pretty as what is inside!!


  5. Gifts are such fun, and these would definitely lovely to receive....what sweet friends. Your month sounds like mine....busy, busy! Hope you are well.

  6. Beautiful gifts - friends are the best!
    XO Marie

  7. What wonderful gifts! I will definitely hop over to visit those lovely blogs. Thanks so much for checking in with me, Tina, and leaving such sweet comments!

  8. I just came over to say THANK YOU for your lovely gift to Kim at Golden Pines. Oh my. Tanner was indeed a special, sweet boy and you gave Kim a portrait of his soul. God bless you for your kindness that has touched everyone who sees it today...


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo