
Saturday, February 12, 2011

On Second Thought!

Yep it's true,  I sat and looked at this painting for about a week and finally decided I did not like the new style I was trying.
That happens to me often with a piece of artwork, I will hang it up and look at it in different lights and then certain things will start to irk me about it.
So yesterday I just put it back on the easel and started addressing all the areas that had annoyed me this week and here is the final updated result!
 As you can see I added a few things...a thin gold band along the edge of the halo and on the beaded neckline.
I worked on the eyes and added some lighter streaks in her hair. Then I went to work on the wings adding a light linen color, then shading with some Golden fluid raw umber.
I definitely like this version better than the previous one I posted about.

I hope everyone is planning a fun St. Valentine's Day!

I wish each one of you a wonderful day filled with Love!

P.S. And a little chocolate doesn't hurt either!!!
Tina xo


  1. Tina, happy love filled Valentine's Day to you too. Your lady or angel is very pretty and ethereal and your subtle addition of gold is well done.

  2. Good, subtle changes, yes - I believe I like it better too!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

  3. Tina, either way--she's beautiful! Wow, would you look at those colors!!

  4. Ya the gold gives her zing! Maybe you should write a story about her... hee hee.

  5. No, chocolate is a MUST for Valentine's Day! I'll hope to have plenty!
    I like the additions...the gold makes her "pop" more. Isn't it interesting....we're our own critics! But you were spot-on with the changes. They DO make it better! Yeah, YOU!
    Happy V Day to you, too my friend!

  6. Tina, that's what I find too...walking away from a piece of artwork for awhile is the best way to decide what it needs or doesn't need.
    Hugs! Diane

  7. When I looked at this piece last week, I thought she was beautiful and stunning--This week, I can see that your artistic touch has really brought her to life!

  8. happy valentine's day, tina!!

    your painting is gorgeous. i collect images of mary and your haloed lady reminds me of one of my favorites.

    wishing you love and a little touch of gold,

  9. I thought it looked good before but I now about little nagging things that just need an adjustment. I like what you have here.
    Have a nice Valentines day.

  10. She is beautiful - I would love to be able to succeed in painting like you have with your artwork - thanks for the inspiration.

  11. She is beautiful! In response to your question ~ No I have not yet received my invitation to the Royal Wedding. There is however, a very good reason why I may not be invited. My mother believe that Edward's abdication from the throne to marry to woman he loved was such a beautiful love story that she decided to name me after Wallis Warfield Simpson. So yes, my middle name is Wallis. As you can see, the family has been historically unhappy with Mrs Simpson, so there is no way they could consider adding me, Susan Wallis to their guest list!!

    Susan Wallis and Bentley

  12. I think the retouches really bring her to life!
    Lovely work...

  13. I think your changes have enhanced her beauty. She is truly lovely. I love the colors you used and the way you have shaded. I am not a painter, but have always wished I could. Your painting here is just wonderful.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo