
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fun With Texture Medium

Sometimes I will buy a product and hang on to it forever. There it will sit in a box, unused, staring at me!
Last week I started working on this painting of a little girl with her doll.
 I wanted to do the painting in an oval format which left the corners of the canvas crying for something interesting and different. I finally remembered the texture medium and decided now would be the perfect time to give it a try. I had purchased some little decorative "nibs" similar to cake decorating tips that fit over the tube of medium.

Well I have never decorated a cake in my life but I was willing to give this a try and in the end I like the way it turned out! I added some light color to the design but found it seemed a little too intense so I finished it with a wash of gesso to soften the overall effect.
I am happy with the result. I think the addition of the dimensional roses and leaves works well with this portrait of a girl and her doll.
I hope everyone is having a great week (we're supposed to get 5-10 inches of white stuff again tonight, ugh) and now on to the next project!


  1. This painting is so sweet. I love the textured's perfect.

  2. Adorable painting! I never (when I was painting) thought to use the decorative touch, it really works with the little girl!

  3. She's perfect! The added scroll texture and roses gives it the look of a vintage photo made into a painting.

  4. I know the feeling. You buy something that's just so pretty and it's like you're 'saving it for good'.
    Well, perhaps yours was meant to sit for a spell while you thought about the decorating part. It's perfect. The flowers and texture give the piece such a sweet feeling. And your paintings are beautiful. I always appreciate those who can draw/paint with such realism. Me...I draw stick figures!

    Beautiful piece. She belongs on a litttle girls bedroom wall!


  5. You are so talented Tina. You are definitely on the right track here. So nostalgic, in my opinion. :)

  6. Tina, I am again in awe of your talent and creativity! This piece is one that I think many like me can look at and see either ourselves, or a little girl that we all know. It makes me wonder what she would be thinking??

  7. She is lovely Tina! Great idea using the textured medium in the corners - works very well :O)

  8. Beautiful!!! The roses and leaves in the texture is very beautiful.

  9. You are a very talented lady.Lovely painting,and the corners do add to it.

  10. When I first saw this I thought it was me! Somewhere I have a childhood photo of me and my dolly in a pink dress waiting for my father to come home. Your painting is fabulous. I love what you did with the corners too. Beautiful!!!

  11. I have a shelf of products that I haven't tried, yet, too!!! I hope when I get around to using them my artwork turns out as creative, beautiful and wonderful as yours! I love your painting!!! So sweet!

    Our snow is melting and since your're getting so much!!! Start blowing it my way, please!!! I loved your're a very witty girl!
    Have a great weekend!

  12. Hi there...Found you through Paris Hotel Boutique...glad I did. You work is so great...there are so many wonderful talented women out here in blog land..don't you often wish you could know every one of them? I know I do.

    Have a great day,


  13. Oh she is beautiful Tina! The details...simply wonderful.

  14. Hi Tina, Thanks for stopping by today. Your paintings are lovely. I just purchased a sketching and painting book this week. Someday soon I hope to try my hand at painting.
    Happy Sunday to you!
    ~ Julie

  15. I love the "frosting" look around the sweet young lady. She looks very 1920's, I adore her face!

  16. That is a cutie, love the scroll around the picture! You are so talented!


  17. Ooooo I love texture tools!!! You are just like me I also buy things and forget about them and then all of a sudden I will remember and there you goooo. See that is why we have to spend all our money on supplies. You never know when you will need them.

  18. I love her and the texture is so clever - awesome work! hope you are having a good week. I for one am ready for spring!

  19. Aw honey this piece is just so beautiful. I love coming by here and seeing what your creating. God really blessed you with so much talent. I love how this turned out so glad you shared it with us.
    I hate to hear your getting more snow. My daughter is in Boston right now and can not get warm. Poor thing I know she did not have the right clothes for that business trip.
    Loved my visit here will have to catch up while I am here
    Love ya

  20. it's perfect - that was a great idea! i really think you should also do cakes...
    and you aren't alone with the snow, we are in a total white out right now, like sitting in a snowglobe. it's the never-ending winter....


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo