
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fun With Texture Medium

Sometimes I will buy a product and hang on to it forever. There it will sit in a box, unused, staring at me!
Last week I started working on this painting of a little girl with her doll.
 I wanted to do the painting in an oval format which left the corners of the canvas crying for something interesting and different. I finally remembered the texture medium and decided now would be the perfect time to give it a try. I had purchased some little decorative "nibs" similar to cake decorating tips that fit over the tube of medium.

Well I have never decorated a cake in my life but I was willing to give this a try and in the end I like the way it turned out! I added some light color to the design but found it seemed a little too intense so I finished it with a wash of gesso to soften the overall effect.
I am happy with the result. I think the addition of the dimensional roses and leaves works well with this portrait of a girl and her doll.
I hope everyone is having a great week (we're supposed to get 5-10 inches of white stuff again tonight, ugh) and now on to the next project!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

On Second Thought!

Yep it's true,  I sat and looked at this painting for about a week and finally decided I did not like the new style I was trying.
That happens to me often with a piece of artwork, I will hang it up and look at it in different lights and then certain things will start to irk me about it.
So yesterday I just put it back on the easel and started addressing all the areas that had annoyed me this week and here is the final updated result!
 As you can see I added a few things...a thin gold band along the edge of the halo and on the beaded neckline.
I worked on the eyes and added some lighter streaks in her hair. Then I went to work on the wings adding a light linen color, then shading with some Golden fluid raw umber.
I definitely like this version better than the previous one I posted about.

I hope everyone is planning a fun St. Valentine's Day!

I wish each one of you a wonderful day filled with Love!

P.S. And a little chocolate doesn't hurt either!!!
Tina xo

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Folk Art Angel

I wanted to share a painting I started working on a few days ago and had the chance to finish yesterday during the blizzard. 
Since Ebay is free to list auction-style until the 8th of February, I wanted to get one or two listed while the listing was good..:)
I hope everyone made it through the latest installment of winter "bliss" we were treated to yesterday? I have to admit the shoveling is getting to me a bit especially since they are saying we are getting more of the delightful white stuff this weekend!
Well I am still partnering with the groundhog and saying "yep we are going to have an early Spring"!
Stay warm, and keep smiling...soon we will be weeding the gardens again!