
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well it is raining, and very gray outside and although I should be working on finishing a painting or the doll I have been working on I have decided to treat myself to watching 2 new DVDs I picked up on Friday.
While I am watching these delicious little treats I will concede at least to crochet a tiny lace bonnet for the doll, there now maybe I can enjoy these movies guilt free! Once in awhile I just love to drown in lavishness don't you? :)
And is it not fascinating  the level of opulence some people lived with as a matter of course...*sigh*


  1. I just love these movies! Any movie that is set back in that era is so great. ^_^ And thanks for the always sweet comments on my blog! Enjoy you movies. Everyone deserves a little treat sometimes.

    <3 Laura Beth

  2. I love them too! Even the cadence of the speech is pleasing to the ear. And the clothing! Fussy in some cases but so lovely, with all the detail work they used for embellishment!
    Yes some days I need a break from the present moment and a little trip back to a time when there still were a few conventions observed.

    Tina :)

  3. Have fun indoors. It has been ages since I have had a day like that.

  4. It was great just enjoying a couple of hours with these movies and being submerged in the polite and well ordered life they seemed to have back then....I wish!

  5. Great movies Tina! I love old movies anytime they are the best!Thanks so much for visitng me Tina, your comments are always just lovely,I have time to visit others I try to do my best.Just wanted to make sure you were at the top of the list.HUGS!

  6. Your artwork is amazing as well Tiny.I love the faces you do!

  7. Hey there Becky, your blog is always at the top of my list and thanks for stopping by and posting a comment. I haven't had time to post much this week as I am trying to get a few things ready for a garage sale my neighbors and I am hosting.
    Thanks for the comment on my art, I love doing portraits and I specialize in pets portraits actually, love those little furry faces!
    Have a fabulous Thursday...Tina xo

  8. Great movies my friend...I feel like curling up with one of those too. Have a great weekend. xoxo

  9. oh it is so great to sit down and enjoy a good movie every now and then, no guilt attached whatsoever - my fave is Gone with the Wind but I so loved Pride & Prejudice which reminds me, will have to watch it very soon...

  10. Hi Koralee
    There are still a few more of these kind of movies I want to track down and purchase in time. I remember a few with Emma Thomson and one or two with Anthony Hopkins I would love to get my hands on, I just have to remember the titles??
    Have a great weekend!
    Tina xo

  11. Yes Val "Gone With the Wind" is amazing as well and the clothing!!! I know those corsets were hell but darned I still would love to fit into those gorgeous flowing dresses they wore. And the hats *sigh*
    Have a great weekend!
    Tina xo

  12. Oh I wish I could bring over a box of English chocolates and watch those movies with ya!!

    Bruce is the bees knees :O)

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend X

  13. Abi!!!
    How are your sweet babies? I love the pic of that little sweetie stretching! Couldn't ya just gobble it up?
    Yes I love movies from that era, the nice bits anyway. I was reading a book about dolls yesterday and they were explaining that in those days dolls were mostly for adults not children. Children had almost no childhood or toys, they were put to work early, even the aristocrats. Things have really changed!

  14. Hi TIna... Thanks for stopping by Woodstown Whimsies, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the pics of some of the treasures we found. YES! You need to post a few of the hand-me-down pieces that you that have... sounds like a wonderful treasure trove a family heirlooms... Enjoy this day, Daryle

  15. Hi Katie and Daryle!
    I do have a huge amount of stuff I have taken all over 2 countries during my many moves and some of the boxes haven't been opened in years! It's about time to open them up and air them out and see what might be in there of interest to others. My great grandmother and aunt were always crafting, quilting, dolls, crochet etc. and some of their work is in those boxes. This is going to be fun! Thanks for dropping by!
    Tina xo

  16. Tina I use to do a weekly Temptation Mondays with artist such as yourself showing their work. I would like to start doing that again.
    So if your interested in posting some of your pictures for one of my post please let me know.
    Yep its great to find some good movies and just relax. I use to do the counted cross stich all the time but have not in years.
    Loved your comment you left me..Always appreciate you stopping by

  17. Hey there Maggie, thanks for stopping by and I hope you are feeling better? I would love to, just give me a couple of weeks as I am working on a commission for a lady from the local SPCA.
    I am so happy to see you out and about again.
    Tina xo

  18. Hey Sweetie!! Thanks for the wonderful comment on my page, i loved it:D
    Great movies by the way:P I'm happy to have you as a follower!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo