
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bruce Wayne

Yes I have a cat named Bruce Wayne! Why? Well he had a black face that for some strange reason extends up only half his ears and looks like a batman mask soooooo, Bruce Wayne :) He is a mischievous little monkey who never stops looking for trouble. Here I was trying my darnedest to get a good picture of him and he is trying to knock the camera down. "What's a matter Bruce, bad hair day?"
I have a few cats that enjoy hiding in the tall grass and scaring each other, and they will jump at any sound. I think that cats just know how to take a boring day and spice it up and make it special! I still miss my beloved dog Lili very much but these little guys try hard to fill the void and they do a pretty good job of it most days :)


  1. Your right he does look like Bruce Wayne....hahaha
    What a cute post!
    Love your art.

  2. Hey Maggie, too bad I didn't catch him from behind too so you could see how the black fur ends right down the middle of his ears! I hope you are doing better? I check your blog often and am praying for you. Life can seem to be so tough sometimes believe me I know, but then there are wonderful moments that seem to make it all worth while and I wish you many of those moments.
    Tina xoxo

  3. Such an adorable cat...
    I`m sure that my maltese dog would love to be his playmate!Lol
    By the way the painting (that you have so skillfully done) on the post below, its amazing!


  4. Thanks for the comment Debbie and the compliment on my art too! I will look forward to checking out your blog. Hope you and your Maltese have a super Sunday!

  5. Such sweet photo's. Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage and I hope to see you again soon.

  6. Hi Tina! Getting back to you about paperclay products... I use "Creative PaperClay" and "Celluclay" for my dolls. I use the paperclay for all of the detail work like the nose, ears, hands and fingers. And I use the Celluclay when I want to cover the fabric body. I have found that a small dish of water at my worktable really helps! I just dab my finger tip in the water and smooth and/or join pieces together. I often work over a styrofoam or wooden ball armature for the head, with a cloth body. The only crackle medium that I use these days is made by "DecoArt." It is their one-step crackle medium. Hope this helps... You will find LOTS of ideas and support at Cloth and Clay Dolls! It is a great place to share ideas and ask questions! Have fun! Daryle

  7. Hi there Daryle and Katie!
    Thank you so much for the reply. I had been working with an armature of foil with a wire core for good measure and Celluclay and FastMache but still had to sand for an hour or more and I wondered if that was typical or am I just a clutz, :)
    I will definitely be spending time over at Cloth and Clay Doll, I was waiting until I had something to show, but maybe I should just jump in. By the way, your work is so amazing, I saw you in "Prims" and I have to say that it was one of the articles that inspired me to try making a doll and so far I am filled with a joy I haven't felt with my paintings in quite a while! So thank you both for opening up a new door for me. Take care!

  8. As they say, a cat is a cat and that is that. I love that they try and spice up my day too!

  9. Even though I am a "dog" person I have to admit that my cats have given me many laughs and happy moments. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
    Tina :)

  10. Your cat does look like a character! So sweet. Thank you for visiting me the other day...hugs for a great Friday.xo

  11. Thanks Koralee and yes he is a real handfull most days. I wish I had their energy!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Tina xo

  12. Thank you for your kind words on my recent posting. I am just sick over this oil leak, and I like you, am having a hard time being lighthearted. How sad that the "wisest" of the species is also the most damaging. Sea Witch

  13. There are so few adequate words to express the bone deep sorrow that has pervaded my every waking moment since this happened.
    I remember the Exxon Valdez and the devastation that resulted from that "accident" and I knew from day one that this was going to be much worse. I have had to turn off the news when it starts because the sadness can so easily turn to rage.
    I think our arrogance, our sense of "manifest destiny" has led us to very poor decisions where our world is concerned and sadly it is the smallest and purest of all creations that must pay the price.
    I do know though that within us all is a greatness and power that can heal the world if we but focus on and envision the world we want to see. This is what keeps me moving forward each day!
    Blessings to you for your tender heart, it is a heart like yours that will mend the rift between us and our world.

  14. Your cat does look like Bruce wayne, so cool!
    Thank you for your message too. So wonderful learning all this and do believe utterly what your saying. Enlightening. Here's to a better future!

    :D Julie

  15. hahahah bruce wayne.To cute.Animals are the best arent they?

    As far as this mess goes in the gulf I was so saddened so was my daughter who doesnt really get sad to much,lol over the poor creatures affected by this.Those poor pelicans and turtles whatever.Its just so sad to see and they say its much much worse than they are saying.I hope and pray they are wrong and these little birds and things come out of this even better than before.Im praying for everyone including the people who lost their jobs etc.Awful thing!

  16. Bruce Wayne is a pain in the butt but I love him anyway.
    Yes the gulf thing has impacked all of us in a very deep and tragic way and I think in many ways we will never recover, but once again our "excesses" have come back to nip us in the behind and sadly the most innocent are paying the price. God in His wisdom will surely answer all of our prayers and guide us to the best solution for all.
    Tina xo

  17. Oh he is so handsome. We have a black and white one too named Matteo.
    Thanks for the kind words on my blog. Glad to meet you!

  18. Hi Pamela and thank you for stopping by! Yes Bruce Wayne is a handsome sweetie and a real handful, but he is much loved by me. Please do stop by again..

  19. Bruce Wayne is gorgeous and his white fur is so fluffy and well groomed. My girl kitty might like to meet him.

  20. Hi Terra, nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by! Yes little Bruce Wayne is a clever and very soft cat. He is playful and loves just about any cat he meets so I am sure he would love your girl.
    Tina xo


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo