
Sunday, September 20, 2015


I am finally feeling a lot more like my old self after a very challenging couple of months but then Autumn always was my favorite season!
The sun is shining today but the temps have dropped to the 60's and I love it! Loads to do in the garden (later!) and paintings and crafts to work on (soon!) but right now I just have to stop and thank God that for today at least everything seems perfectly in alignment with my higher good!
And that is what I wish for all of you...that life is good for you and your families and that Mother Nature presents you with a cornucopia of only the very best this world has to offer!

In that vein I finally have gotten a few new painting done and listed on Ebay so I am feeling very good about myself right now lol! And here they are...

 This little angel (16" x 12") I did in acrylic and finished with 2 layers of crackle medium then stained her for a vintage look. I think it turned out quite nice all in all.
My little Goldfinch is slightly smaller at 8" x 10" also done in acrylic and I am very happy with how he turned out. I just find it hard to get decent photos with the little Nikon camera I have. For some reason the colors are just not as rich looking as they are in real life but then maybe one of these days I will just have to get a more expensive camera!

Today with the change in weather I am feeling very Halloweeny (is that a word?) so my ideas are running more into the darker and creepier lol! I may have to start decorating the house soon to get the full "Sleepy Hollow" effect!

Well time to get back to the easel and see what goodies my mind will come with today!
Have a wonderful and joyful Sunday!

Tina xo


  1. Nice paintings. Have you tried shooting your pictures outside in natural light? I know the indoor lighting tends to dull the looks of paintings.
    The weather is definitely thinking about fall (even the calendar). The roller coaster is making the rounds a little lower every week.

  2. I am glad you are feeling more yourself. Your paintings are wonderful. I love the expression on your little angel. The birdie art is so lovely too!
    I am very sorry about your neighbor friend passing away so suddenly.
    Hugs to you,

  3. You are so talented Tina - I love the vibrancy of your art - stunning! I have no such talent & am always in awe of those who can do such lovely things!

  4. Hi Tina, thank you for coming over to my blog. I love the fact we both have Swan in our blog name. Your artwork is lovely, too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo