
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

From the Easel!

Wow how time just takes off running and leaves me in it's dust! 
I did manage to get a few things completed that I had sketched out a while ago and here they are:

The first one is an angel which is pretty obvious and the second is one I entitled "La Soeur Triste" (The Sad Nun) and I am not really sure how that came about except that as I began outlining and painting her she took on this persona and I ran with it.
I am planning some more angel paintings in the coming weeks as I have gotten so many wonderful ideas late at night that seem to follow mostly an angelic theme! You can find these and future paintings on my shop page (the link is on my page here).
Of course with the painting going on I fell behind in the gardening and my lawn is once again up to my ankles and my lawn mower wouldn't start yesterday so I was not a happy camper but I am hoping it was just condensation in the motor because of all the rain and humidity!
Later this week I plan on visiting all my fave blogs and seeing what you all have been up to creatively! I guess it's almost time to start planning for the Christmas craft shows (oh my did I actually use that holiday word????) Ok no rock throwing at the anxious artist!
Have a super Tuesday, love on your pets for me, kiss the kiddos and hubbys on my behalf and smile a lot!

Love Tina xoxo


  1. You have been busy! I hope you get your lawnmower started, I worry about snakes in tall grass. Time does have a way of getting away on a person, the older one gets the faster it goes. I cannot believe it's nearly August already.

  2. I love your "Sad Nun" Tina - she has such a beautiful, expressive face. I'm glad you "ran" with it - it's fabulous!
    Time has gotten away on me as well, the days and weeks flying by at warp speed - I can't believe it's already August... I don't want summer to be over, but I have to say I am looking forward to slightly cooler temperatures!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo