
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Where Was I?

This has been a strange and very challenging 18 months. I worked and agonized over every detail of my life and future and struggled to find the right balance. Finally I had to make a decision on where I wanted to be in 2-3 years and how I was going to get there. First challenge, get off my butt and move into action, start blogging again ( a definite positive in my life) and painting, creating, which led to reorganizing my home and my possessions. Finally I returned to my church life which I had neglected for a LONG time. I knew there were things missing in my life that would help me make sense of all the "stuff" that had been going on, stuff that was causing me to be miserable and giving me the feeling that I was merely spinning my proverbial wheels. So I went back to church, renewed old acquaintances there and started to look for the joy in life instead of letting myself be dragged down by negative people. I am not finished with the task of clearing the debris yet but I have made firm inroads into achieving my goals. I have missed the good friends I made here on Blogger and I hope you will remember me and continue to be my friend in the months to come! I am home!

So to get a good start on my new journey I painted a little painting for a friend's son, he is a penguin fanatic so I did a little piece of artwork for him to hang in his room at college...

I am working on new things and although it has been hard to make myself focus each day on what I wanted to accomplish this day, I have become a better person in learning to corral my restless urges. I hope everyone has been happy and healthy this past 18 months? I had worried so much that while I was wallowing in my issues many of you were going through huge challenges also that I was unaware of. But know that you were all in my prayers through it all and I hope as I visit your blogs I will find you well and happy!

With Love ...
Tina xoxo


  1. Welcome back, it sounds like you are on a good path. Reconnecting with your church is a lovely way to move in the direction God has prepared for you. He loves you and wants good things for you. You did a wonderful painting of the penguins.

  2. Lovely to have you visit once again Tina, it sounds like you are moving and shaking once
    The penguin painting is so sweet, I'm sure it will be hung with pride.
    Onwards and upwards dear friend !

  3. Hi Tina and welcome back. I am so glad you are finding your way and coming to blog once again. You and your talents have been missed. So happy you found your road back to church too. God has blessed you and will show you the way.
    Love your painting. It will be the perfect wall hanging.
    Sending hugs your way.
    Blessings, Celestina Marie

  4. Hello Tina! I so enjoyed getting your comment on my blog, and am so, so glad to see you back blogging--I have missed you! I have also missed seeing your beautiful work (the portrait you did of Tanner remains a true treasure for me!) and your friendship! I'm so glad that your sweet cat, Bunny, is doing better, and I hope that continues, and I hope as you work through those things in our lives that drag us down you find that continued strength to go on! WELCOME BACK FRIEND!! Take care!!! :-)!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo