
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blogger and Painting

I am going to make this quick because Blogger is not working well for me and I have no idea why because I am not a computer genius. I think things should just work without my having to read a 20,000 page manual or spend months browsing the internet for instructions....obviously I'm an idiot!

All this nonsense notwithstanding I have gotten a few painting done and that always makes me feel immensely better about myself!
 I have my fingers crossed that these photos will only post once and save you the trouble of muttering insults under your breath about how wonky I am (just kidding) :)
  • I fired off a note to Google about the photo problem I am having as it really bothers me to have to take hours to do a simple post. 

 Well I don't want to press my luck with blogger so I am going to get back to work on my next painting (new style for me) and clean my messy house during the breaks!
I hope everyone has been enjoying good weather and happy to all!

Tina xo


  1. Tina, I especially like your painting with the door, it is very welcoming.
    No worries, each painting posted once.

  2. Hi Tina! Lovely art work,so pretty.I especially love as Terra up there,the painting with the door.Its looks realistic and very inviting.Have a nice Thursday ahead my friend.

  3. wow, great paintings, I am with Terra I love the one with the door.

  4. As usual your artwork is fabulous! Gee, you did something right the well known glitches on your post did not show up this time. I have an unhappy time with blogger as well, frustrating as well as time consuming!

  5. Your paintings are gorgeous! That is a talent that I do not possess. I also am not a techie person. I've noticed the past couple of days that Google Chrome is kinda doing weird stuff. I have to refresh at least once or more to get blogs to come up. Always something wonky going on, but this time your photos turned up just fine. Enjoy your weekend vegging out! :) Best wishes, Tammy

  6. You are doing beautiful paintings, really love them ! I tried to sign up as a follower, but it's impossible, will try another time.

  7. Hi Tina,
    I just love your new paintings. They are just amazing and you are simply one talented girl my friend. They are all beautiful but my favorite is the door painting. Just love it.
    I know how frustrating it is when blogger is not working right. I hope the glitch is worked out soon.
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. I do hope you try the medium I posted about. It just gives one more painting surface options.

    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  8. Great paintings Tina,I like all of them.I've been wanting to do a pretty door too.Thanks for visiting and commenting on My post.Denise :)

  9. Love deep color combination on the orange poppies painting. It is very rich. I'm with you, computers can be like a foreign land where you don't speak the language, it is so frustrating sometimes!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo