
Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Directions

Sometimes we wake up and find that the path we were on isn't bringing us the joy we had hoped for. Artistically I have felt dissatisfied for a long time and couldn't quite put my finger on the reason why. I am still not sure exactly what it was that seemed to hold me back but I suspect it had a lot to do with worrying about how people perceive me and what I made with my hands.
Were the things I chose to paint and the way I painted them pertinent? Art can be a long, hard labor that yields a child we are not always thrilled with in the end.
So I decided to walk down a different path and see how it felt wonderful and liberating, what more can any human being wish for than to create and feel no rules holding us back from creating the image that was born in our minds.
So I played with Fiber Paste and let it dry on the canvas and then looked for the image in the texture and found these. The colors were already there in my mind and applying them was so freeing. 
These 2 will be on Etsy shortly, but I am already in the midst of another canvas that has me very excited.
So even though it has been so dismal outside and cold and rainy, inside it has been wonderful! And even though I hope these will sell, if they don't sell right away I will not get tired of seeing them on my own wall and that is a good thought.

I really would love to know how other artists came to their special type of art? Did they always know what they wanted to produce or did it find them?

I hope the week has been kind to everyone and the days have been filled with smiles...

Tina xo

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Children and Pets Always Touches My Heart

Just a quick drop-by (drive-by in blogging lingo) to share a little 11" x 14" painting I completed a couple of days ago and had to share...
I wish I could take better pictures because the colors are never are bright as they appear in person but I guess I need to learn PhotoShop and get with the program..:)
So far the weather has been lovely but they are calling for rain this weekend and dropping temps so the gardening is on a back burner once again......back to the drawing board!

Have a great finish to the week!
Love Tina xoxo

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blogger and Painting

I am going to make this quick because Blogger is not working well for me and I have no idea why because I am not a computer genius. I think things should just work without my having to read a 20,000 page manual or spend months browsing the internet for instructions....obviously I'm an idiot!

All this nonsense notwithstanding I have gotten a few painting done and that always makes me feel immensely better about myself!
 I have my fingers crossed that these photos will only post once and save you the trouble of muttering insults under your breath about how wonky I am (just kidding) :)
  • I fired off a note to Google about the photo problem I am having as it really bothers me to have to take hours to do a simple post. 

 Well I don't want to press my luck with blogger so I am going to get back to work on my next painting (new style for me) and clean my messy house during the breaks!
I hope everyone has been enjoying good weather and happy to all!

Tina xo