
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Labor of Love

 It has been a hectic couple of weeks and sadly my blogging was one of the casualties. I kept hoping that I could scrounge away a a few minutes for myself but life kept conspiring against that happening. I guess what I need to do is just say to heck with everything else and sit down at the computer....
Oh well I did set aside time yesterday to finally paint a picture for some precious girls who love horses! Their mom has been a friend of mine for many years and they have a horse they adore and although I didn't have a picture of that horse I found one that I think they will love to hang in their room!
I still have a few others that I have promised to do for some very special people and today I start on one of 2 precious pups that belonged to a very special lady with a very special blog. When that is complete I will be sending it to her and posting about it later as I want her to see it first!
Love to all and I hope to get around to all my favorite blogs this darned week and see what I have been missing!!!

Love ya'
Tina xo


  1. January was a very busy month for me at work - I'm starting to slowly catch up and get back into blogging too!

    Great painting!


  2. So glad you did get time for blogging, seeing this painting is wonderful, what a great choice for horse mad girls, they are bound to love it.

  3. He is wonderful, they are sure to love him! Have fun painting! keeping up with everything can be a challenge, I know, I have have the same problem coupled with no computer. Back in action again! t.xoxoxo

  4. You are such a sweetie! And I love this painting. Awesome. :)

  5. your painting is
    very sweet

    i am a new follower
    via GFC and LF
    and hope you will return the favor!


  6. Wow! Im impressed! I think horses are some of the hardest figures to draw and paint. This is absolutely fantastic!~ hope they love it.

  7. Gosh I have missed you honey. You have really been on my mind the last few days so I knew I had to come by soon to check on you.
    This horse picture turned out really nice. They are going to love having it hanging in their home.
    As always you leave me in awe of your gift for painting.
    I too have not been blogging like I want too. Too many things going on in my life and not enough hours in the day but I do think of you hoping your doing good.
    My middle son Clint has some health issues right now with his kidneys. So I have been worried sick about him which has kept me from blogging but I am asking for prayers that it is nothing serious.
    Sending you much love


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo