
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Watercolor Glamor

I am not as proficient at watercolors as I am with some other media but I do love the feel of and look of the color spreading into the paper......for me it is all about the color, especially combinations of color. So it is no surprise that I love the old glamor movie mags from the 40's. They had zero fear of color, they mixed, matched, clashed, whatever and it seemed so appropriate! Anyway I was in the mood to play with watercolor and so for me the natural subject this week happened to be a glamor cigarette ad form the 40's.....
I found a little wooden frame from the dollar store and painted it silver and voila.....glamma-ramma!
For those who are curious it was a Chesterfield cigarette ad and the actress was Ann Sheridan circa 1947.
Hope everyone has had a good week filled with only the best stuff! 
I am so anxious to visit you all and see what wonderful things you have been creating at your home....

Tina xo

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Precious Missy Arrives Home!

Recently I was the happy, lucky winner of a very precious girl named Missy!
Julie Bailey, a fabulous doll maker had a giveaway and I was thrilled to learn I had won the opportunity to be the one to give Missy a home. She arrived last week and I was beyond excited when I opened the box she was in and had my first look at her! What a beauty she is. Julie I just can't find the right words to tell you how grateful I am to be able to look at her sitting on my shelf!

Julie you are indeed a very talented lady and Missy will be a prized little lady here in my home always! Thank you again Julie!

Please do take a moment to visit Julie's blog (link above) and have a look at all the wonderful little ladies she had brought into the world.
Love to all!

Tina xo

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Labor of Love

 It has been a hectic couple of weeks and sadly my blogging was one of the casualties. I kept hoping that I could scrounge away a a few minutes for myself but life kept conspiring against that happening. I guess what I need to do is just say to heck with everything else and sit down at the computer....
Oh well I did set aside time yesterday to finally paint a picture for some precious girls who love horses! Their mom has been a friend of mine for many years and they have a horse they adore and although I didn't have a picture of that horse I found one that I think they will love to hang in their room!
I still have a few others that I have promised to do for some very special people and today I start on one of 2 precious pups that belonged to a very special lady with a very special blog. When that is complete I will be sending it to her and posting about it later as I want her to see it first!
Love to all and I hope to get around to all my favorite blogs this darned week and see what I have been missing!!!

Love ya'
Tina xo