
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Uh Oh! Has It Been That Long Since I Posted?

Yep it has and you may ask why? Well 2 weeks ago I got a call about a craft show, that had been a total shut-out, that a spot had opened up and was I interested.
So I called my friend-in-crime Julie and asked her if she would be interested and willing to hurriedly prepare for it and she was game!
Although it was not a huge success for us it was still fun and I snapped a few photos of our little booth.
Here is my friend Julie who makes jewelery and paints (among many other talents)!

And this is me that morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed (thanks to Starbucks)!
It was a madhouse but it was great seeing crafters I had not seen in a few years and they are still going strong!  



So although we didn't make loads of cash we had fun and I am checking into a local consignment shop that has opened recently to see if it would be a good fit for my style.
At least I can breathe a sigh of relief that the rush is over for a few days. I am so looking forward to visiting everyone's blog now that I have a minute to myself!

As always I had a horrible time with Blogger this morning so I am hoping most of the photos are not in multiples! If they are I apologize and hope you find the courage to wade through the craziness!


  1. Good Morning!
    Lovely pictures of you and your friend! Thank you, is nice to see who I am 'talking' to!
    That was short notice, but I see that you gals got lots of items to display! Sorry you didn't make a fortune, maybe next time! You sure have been busy, so many lovely things! Good luck with the consignments!


  2. So THAT'S what you've been up to! I wondered why I haven't seen you blogging!
    AND let me say that the photo of YOU is wonderful. You're adorable...look at that smile! And your eyes are lit up, too! How nice to be able to 'see' you.
    OK, your booth was wonderfully packed with such beautiful things: love your new canvas' with tissue (o la la), the books without covers and all tied up are beautiful, and the little crocheted bags are so sweet. I love it ALL!
    Welcome back to blogland (which apparently likes to repeat your photos!) 'cuz I missed ya!


  3. Oh are mega-talented my friend..shine on..such gorgeous photos and looks like lots of fun..your creations are stunning, dazzling and wonderful..congrats!

  4. So great to see a photo of you, Tina. Lovely. :)

    And as for the award, if you right-click on it on my blog post, then "copy image address," you can post a new picture in your side bar (use the URL box.) I hope this helps. If not, let me know.

  5. I don't know where to start with your amazing pictures!! How I would have loved to be at the show, shopping and looking at everything--I wouldn't know where to start though, there are so many beautiful things to look at!

    It's also a lovely picture of you!! I'm so glad that I can put a face to the friend whose talent I continue to admire!

    By the way, Todd wasn't neutered today--He'd had a little puppy treat about 4:30 this morning and they won't do surgery if they've eaten something...

  6. Great booth Tina! It's fun to get out and see real people at these shows--sorry that sales weren't the best but glad that you enjoyed yourself--this is part of the fun of doing these shows. Your art just shines here!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo