
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

And So It Begins!

I was expecting a light dusting this morning and what to my surprise is waiting outside the door?
Ummm, where under the deck did I stash the snow shovel? Oh well thank goodness this is all going to melt over the next few days and I will get the chance to do all the winterizing I had planned on having done by now.
That will teach me to keep putting off the boring jobs!
Have a fun day!

Tina xo


  1. Well, THAT was a surprise!
    You'll find the shovel later....stay inside and make some of your lovely art.

    Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

  2. A white Thanksgiving--I would be okay with that, especially since I would get to stay home, and especially since I'm not going out for 'Black Friday!'

    ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。* °♥ ˚ • ★ *˚ .ღ 。
    *˛˚ღ •˚ HAPPY THANKSGIVING TINA!!˚ ✰* ★˚. ★ *˛ ˚♥* ✰。˚ ˚ღ。* ˛˚ ♥ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰ •* ˚ ♥"

  3. How fun! I love snow - it is so very rare here! We've been having days in the 70's and they said there was a chance of snow coming Monday! A girl can dream. I have enjoyed my visit to your blog - I am decorating for Christmas and wish I'd organized my home better - there's always January!
    I am your newest follower,

  4. Hi Tina! We had our first snow fall a couple of weeks ago, but it did not stick down here in the valley. We always pray for snow up in the mountains though so that everyone can go skiing, snowboarding, etc and so that the farmers will have water for the spring. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  5. It does sneak up on us, doesn't it? :)
    Hope all is cozy & happy at your house, Tina!

  6. You should see the way folks are dressed here even though our daytime temps are around 70. You would think it was snowing outside! :/

    Glad to hear you had fun at the craft show even if you didn't make a lot of money. It's hard to know what people are gonna like. I stopped doing them years ago because it was so much work and I don't like being committed to creating -- I prefer to just do it as a please ... or not. :)

    Hope you have a great weekend. Tammy

  7. Oh No! I think this Florida girl would just go back to bed and pull the covers over my head until spring!!! Hope you find that snow shovel!!


  8. Oh my goodness Tina. Hard to believe the weather your already getting. I can't even imagine.
    It is raining really hard here today and I thought it was coming in tonight so I had planned on working outside today. Not complaining though because we are so dry we need this rain.
    Wish I were there to help you get ready for winter when your doing boring jobs it nice to have someone to help you.
    Been thinking of you a lot lately wondering how your feeling and if you are taking care of yourself.
    Stay warm and know this ole Texas gal is always thinking of you
    Sending you much love

  9. The first time i saw snow I could not believe how wet it never looked wet in the movies. I had not even taken extra clothing for the children...fortunately because it was cold I had taken extra blankets which they came home wrapped in.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo