
Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Happy Sunday Baby Shower

Today is an exciting day in our neighborhood! My neighbor Nancy's daughter Betty is expecting her first child (a little girl) and the long awaited baby shower is this afternoon.

On special occasions I love to have the time to make something by hand and this was no exception. But time was short and so I decided to try to find a way to make a lovely gift that would not take weeks to execute. And tada, I found this wonderful printed fabric at WallyWorld that just screamed "buy me"!

Originally meant to be fabric book covers I could picture the panels quilted, mounted and having bits and bobs added for fun. So out came the lace and buttons, thread and fabric, ribbon and paint...and voila....wall decor for the nursery.
I was lucky enough to have gotten a few frames at a garage sale that worked great after the addition of paint. Altogether relatively inexpensive to produce and I think the results were well worth the effort!
I love the little prayer because what child's room is not made more loving by the addition of prayer?
So here they are wrapped in pieces of vintage wallpaper, a roll of which was given to me as a gift, by my dear friend Julie whose grandmother had stored it for years in the attic.
I am so excited about this shower and I will be taking many photos of the festivities to post this week!
Have a wonderful today to all!

Tina xo


  1. How precious! I think they are a perfect gift! I'm sure she will treasure these!

  2. The new and improved picture is just adorable! You clever girl. Along with the poem, this new little angel is going to wake up smiling every day....because of you!

    ADORE that wallpaper. It's georgeous and what a great way to wrap the gift.

    Yes, I'll be waiting to see photos of the baby shower. I know it'll be a great day!


  3. Tina, they are just beautiful gifts.. I LOVE them...God IS so good in how He provided you with blessings to give to this young mom and her precious wee one within...


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo