
Monday, July 18, 2011

Hot Shower

Well what a day we had at the baby shower! It was hot, HOT, HOT! But fun too.......
We were greeted by the crowing of the hostess' rooster...

Here is the sweet mom-to-be Betty, (fresh from the swimming pool) with her mom Nancy on the right and auntie Linda on the left.                 

Betty with 2 friends who are also expecting to deliver SOON! (I hope this is not catching?)

Here is Grandpa and I trying to pretend it is cool outside!

Betty with great grandma....

Opening gifts with auntie Karen on the right and mom-in-law on the left.

Little Miss Attitude (on the romper) was Betty's nickname too!

Life just wouldn't be complete without the ribbon hat, would it?
And finally the cake......

Altogether it was a grand day and Betty received many lovely gifts, the food was fabulous, the setting perfect.....but darned I wish I had brought a bathing suit!

Tina xo

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Happy Sunday Baby Shower

Today is an exciting day in our neighborhood! My neighbor Nancy's daughter Betty is expecting her first child (a little girl) and the long awaited baby shower is this afternoon.

On special occasions I love to have the time to make something by hand and this was no exception. But time was short and so I decided to try to find a way to make a lovely gift that would not take weeks to execute. And tada, I found this wonderful printed fabric at WallyWorld that just screamed "buy me"!

Originally meant to be fabric book covers I could picture the panels quilted, mounted and having bits and bobs added for fun. So out came the lace and buttons, thread and fabric, ribbon and paint...and voila....wall decor for the nursery.
I was lucky enough to have gotten a few frames at a garage sale that worked great after the addition of paint. Altogether relatively inexpensive to produce and I think the results were well worth the effort!
I love the little prayer because what child's room is not made more loving by the addition of prayer?
So here they are wrapped in pieces of vintage wallpaper, a roll of which was given to me as a gift, by my dear friend Julie whose grandmother had stored it for years in the attic.
I am so excited about this shower and I will be taking many photos of the festivities to post this week!
Have a wonderful today to all!

Tina xo

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One Of My Favorite Blogs

Oh there are so many blogs that are just filled with such inspiration, but today I have a completed project that was inspired by Carol's wonderful blog The Polka Dot Closet!
This amazing lady can take the most ordinary item and turn it into something beautiful to behold and do it with simple, clear instructions, that cost very little to accomplish. Perfect for me!
Whether you are a crafter who wants to find great ideas for your next show or just want to create a more lovely home inexpensively Carol is one of the best "go-to" gals I know for crafting ideas!
So naturally when I was recently given an old greenish, metal lamp that had belonged to my aunt (and really didn't suit me at all) I thought "what can I do to spruce it up? 
Carol had taken something similar and painted it, distressed it and added crystals to make it into a one of a kind candle holder and that idea stuck with me. So when I was contemplating this old lamp (the glass globe had broken years ago) Carol's creation jump to mind and voila!
I had been lucky enough to get hold of 3 huge cookie tins of crystals from a friend who had worked for Schonbek here in upstate New York a few years back, so all I had to purchase was a can of spray paint and some jump rings. 
Of course now I need to get a lovely pillar candle to do the holder true justice! 
So thank you Carol for generously sharing your knowledge with all of your followers.
If you haven't had the chance to visit Carol's blog, give yourself a treat and drop by, you will love it!

Tina xo

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Frida in Oil

Like everyone else I have been having a huge amount of trouble with Blogger. I have to sneak in the back way as I call it and even then there are times it will refuse to load for me.
Consequently I have managed to get a lot of chores done both for myself and a good friend who needed my help the past 2 weeks.
Today though, I worked on a painting I had started last month and thought today I would give her another coat of oil colors and as of this minute I am happy with it so far. She needs a lot more shadowing I believe. 
I tend to see things I way I want them and not as they are, but for now here she is.....
I had to take the photo indoors as there is a horrible wind blowing outside today and I couldn't take the chance that she would end up 2 counties over, so there is a lot of glare....oh well c'est la vie!

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday, whatever you are doing!