
Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Dilemma

I have reached my least favorite part in the creative process.....yes the dreaded "finishing"!

I really would like to crackle and age this painting, but I always hesitate and hem and haw for days over these decisions and it drives me nuts.
When I am this close to the end I am anxious to put it to bed if you know what I mean. Tomorrow I head out to Michael's for another bottle of OneStep crackle medium to make sure I have enough for this painting as it is 16"x20"
I kind of am leaning toward the crackle/aging process as I think this would look great as a vintage style piece...
I know a glaze of umber will be unifying, but should I crackle also?
Votes please.....


  1. Sorry I won't be of any help with your tough decision since I don't know much about either or both, I just know that it is a beautiful painting. I love it, and I am sure whatever you decide to do with it, it will be gorgeous. :)

  2. Hi Tina! The painting has turned out beautifully!! I like the idea of crackling the painting--I think it'll add a nice finish to the 'vintage' look of your work--Let us know what you decide.

    I hope you have a good weekend!!

  3. I say go for it Tina! Crackle your heart out! With or without, it is a spectacular piece!

  4. You have achieved a lovely painting. the faces are beautiful. I think the subject would lend itself to a very light crackling, and the umber would age it just right. I know how hard these decisions can be, once it is done it is done. Perhaps you could create a small version with just the colours and try the crackling and aging on that....good luck will look forward to the result.

    by the way did you realise that you have more than one of your photos up, or is that the effect you want on the blog. There are multiple large pictures. Just thought I would mention it in case it doesnt show at your end.

  5. I'm leaning toward a thinned glaze of umber, but, it's your painting. Looks lovely.

    When in doubt - flip a coin!

  6. Hi Tina. Nice work. Kind of scary to do things once you are this close to done. If it is the antique look you are after then the wash and crackling would do the trick. Wish you luck.

  7. oh you know I love the crackle ;) but whatever you feel is best for it. I think it looks very nice as it is now :)

  8. I like the idea of the crackle and the glaze. It would definitely age the painting. Lovely work!

  9. I fully understand your problem. I made some dolls over the last year and the last step was to crackle them. The first time I did it, the crackle didn't do what it was supposed to. The second doll didn't look as good as I thought, and the third one rec'd NO crackle at all.
    Your painting is absolutely stunning...what a talent you have! Putting something on top of this would scare me, for sure!
    Maybe a 'wash' of antique color?
    Oh, dear, I am afraid I am no help at all!


  10. I vote for crackle - another layer of beauty. I love this painting and it's hard to imagine it getting better but I think the crackl would be terrific!

  11. I won't vote and I trust you to make the best choice. This is a beautiful work of art.

  12. Oh my..I just love this...I can't vote because I don't know what 'cackle' will mean crackle..see I told you I don't know..LOL..Tina, it's just glorious...

  13. I have no idea what "glaze" and "crackle" mean, but I want to say that your painting is so beautiful.

  14. Very pretty! No matter what you decide - it's a beauty!

  15. you are so talented! show us what the crackle glaze looks like, i am sure whatever you decide will be the best. thank you for your thoughtful comment about my deer. i hear shots throughout the year too and in this county guns are popular. yuck. the thought of killing with a gun makes me sick. but i am not fond of the coyote who just moved in and am afraid for my injured deer who deserve the time to heal...take care!

  16. Oh my this is absolutely beautiful. I don't know if I would do anything else to such a beautiful work of art.
    Wish honey I could help you make your decision but I know nothing about what your asking. I only know I love it as it is.
    Thanks so much for leaving me such a wonderful comment about my brother and myself. I can not tell you how much I appreciate you.
    Hope your well and having a great weekend

  17. Tina... the painting is lovely! You know my work and style well enough: I'm a "crackle and burnt umber" kinda guy! I think the added layer of a crackle medium would be so rich and warm and help unify the whole. Can't wait to see where this goes... Daryle

  18. I say crackle and show us how you did it--I cannot figure out how to use this one-step crackle method!! This is such a beautiful piece!

  19. I think it's beautiful -can be of no help 'though have never used crackle medium=good luck

  20. What a beautiful painting. Trust your gut about how to finish. You'll know what to do.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo