
Sunday, January 2, 2011


      Happy New Year to everyone! 
2010 was a great year for me primarily because of all the wonderful people I have met here on Blogger!
I want to thank everyone I have gotten to know  here this year, your kindness and warmth have brighten my darkest days and your wonderful posts have entertained me, informed me, and gave me many moments of pure bliss!
When I saw the video of this happy little fella dancing all by himself I thought of all of you right away and how my heart has felt getting to know each one of you! 
You are precious and very special and I wish each one of you the most amazing 2011! 
            Let the dancing begin!!!
Tina xo


  1. Tina...I loved the Happy Jumping Penguin. Thanks for finding this for us. I'm delighted to count you as one of my blogging friends. Happy New Year.
    xo, Rosemary

  2. Happy New Year, Tina!
    That was cute, especially since the other penguins were basically ignoring the happy little guy. I guess he's saying you can be happy, no matter how many "grumps" you have around! LOL!
    Happy Sunday!

  3. Blessings to you, Tina~ Thank you for your gift of friendship and your encouraging words. You inspire me.

    Happy New Year~

    Love, Rebecca

  4. Happy New Year to you too Tina! I hope that 2011 brings you nothing but joy!


  5. Happy New Year to you too, dear Tina!

  6. Hi. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such kind comments. Happy New Year to you!
    ~ Julie

  7. I have a good friend that is working in Antarctica right now and she videoed penguins that I thought were amazing, but not nearly as entertaining as this one! It reminds me of that movie "Happy Feet!"

    Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing what you create in 2011!!

  8. a very happy new year to you!~ Its nice to have met you this past year :) hope 2011 brings you lots of inspiration!~!

  9. Happy New Year, Tina! I hope that you have a bright and hopeful start to 2011!!!
    Love, Joyce

  10. Tina~ So cute! Thanks for becoming a friend, taking the time to leave your sweet comments. The best to you and yours this new year!


  11. Fantastic artwork, i like a lot!
    thanks for sharing it

    greetings from Spain and
    Happy New year to you too!!

  12. That was so cute.Enjoyed it,I wonder why he was so happy.I'm glade someone else lives in a Hobbit home.Arn't they cozy.When my husband was ready to sell our big home we raised our girls in,I wasn't, being 9 years younger than him.It took Him 5 years to talk me into it.We did it in steps, our first to a condo-I called it my cottage-now to senior Apartments,hobbit home.Next will be full time RVers-I'll have to callit something else.

  13. Oh Tina! I have been laughing so much at that clip..I adore penguins,they are my favourite animal.I love the way the others are watching..maybe they are thinking..'I'll have what he's been drinking!'Can't wait to show it to Mr Boo when he comes home.
    Wishing you a year filled with happiness and good fortune! :0)

  14. How sweet Tina. Blessings to you too sweetie.
    You have really been a good friend to me this year and I appreciate you so much.
    I am working on a page to add to the top of my site that will be called Temptations and I wanted to put your site on it if thats okay.
    Love ya

  15. Happy New Year Tina, what a great way to start the new decade.

  16. Isn't that the cutest thing! Happy New Year to you!
    Hugs, Diane

  17. Happy New Year Tina!!! That video was the cutest thing. It is nice to meet you. And hope that 2011 is a good year!

  18. Happy New Year to you, Tina! What a happy, little's to a happy and creative year! :)

  19. Watched it twice and just linked it to a friend. How CUTE is that? Gonna keep that around the next time the grumpies get me....

    Thank you!

    Happy New Year!


  20. The penguins are so cute. New to your blog. Love it!

  21. Oh My Goodness, who knew that little penguins could jitterbug like that! I just wanna squeeze his cute little body and give him a big kiss! Thank you so much for the nice words you sent to me, I am delighted.

  22. Hello, I saw on Denise's that you might want your blog to look smoother and show your sides better. I don't know if this will help, but it is worth a try. Go to Design on your dashboard. Click it. When it comes up, look to the left to the template tab. click it. Then, choose simple, not watermark and it may adjust so that you have that flow you are looking for. Just a thought. Good luck. Blessings.

  23. Good morning Tina
    I love starting my morning off talking with you.
    In answer to your comment I went back through my emails to make sure I did not miss yours and I did not find it. Did you send them to
    I need to give you my personal address and if you send me a email I will do that.
    Thinking of you hoping your week is filled with nothing but beautiful loving things. Hopefully lots of flowers

  24. Happy new year Tina! You have a heart of gold for taking in another kitty also!!!! ooh yeah - 13 good number, and a black one at that!!

    Best wishes my friend... have a great week X

  25. Thanks for the wonderful video - it reminds me of the poem, "Peter Peter Penguin" that my kindergarten students loved.Thanks for visiting my blog so often last year. I agree with you that the experience of meeting friends through blogging is really wonderful! Happy New Year!

  26. Thank you for visiting and following my blog, Tina. I look forward to connecting with you. :)

  27. happy new year to you tina! love your penguin video, so very sweet! the one on the very end never moves...maybe he is a grumpy one. take care and i look forward in reading your posts!

  28. Happy New Year Tina! I love that video, it's too cute!
    Wishing you a most fabulous 2011 and beyond!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo