
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cards For Loved Ones

Over the last few years I have to admit I was not always conscientious about sending Christmas cards, I always start the season with the best of intentions and then, Phssssstttt...the air is out of the balloon and I aim for next year.

This year I decided to make, yes make, a few hand painted cards for family and get them in the mail lickedy split (ok so the lickedy split part went out the window) and here we are on the Tuesday before Christmas and I am just now headed for the Post Office. But darn it I did make the cards and here is one of the six I managed to finish.
Done in watercolor on 140# cold pressed paper in the Fraktur style of Pennsylvania Dutch/German artwork of the last century.
Next year.....ahhh yes next year.....maybe I should get started tomorrow on next years cards!!!
Have a great Tuesday and I hope you got your cards mailed out on time...:(
Tina xo


  1. Have a wonderful Christmas Tina. The card is very nice.

  2. Even if they arrive a smidgen late, these cards are filled with love like no others!

    Wishing you a joyous Christmas, Tina!!!

  3. Wow, I'm so impressed with your talent and your energy.Enjoyed browsing around your blog this morning.Merry Christmas and God bless.Oh by the way I gave up sending cards out years ago.I have never missed it.

  4. Nice card! I used to make cards too - for all the holidays and special occasions, for the special people in my life. Found out it was a waste of time, few were ever kept, if even read. So, I don't send cards at all and just use the phone for those special wishes.

  5. The card is just beautiful! I wouldn't care when it arrived, to have one is a gift for any season!!

    By the way, one year my cards arrived for Valentine's Day, the next year it was New Year's this year, well, I was at the post office today too! ;-)))

  6. Tina it is beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  7. Beautiful, Tina!!!!!! So much work!
    Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

  8. Beautiful card - I do love that style of painting! (especially now that I know what it is!!). My cards are in bits and pieces on my sewing room - something to do tomorrow afternoon while I am home alone for a few hours. I too have the best of intentions but they usually fall short in reality. Sigh... Merry Christmas to you!!

  9. this is so very pretty! I know your family will enjoy such a thoughtful little card :) merry christmas!

  10. Wishing you and yours a Blessed Christmas!

    Susan and Bentley

  11. Nothing is better that to find a handmade card coming in the mail box. So much better than a virtual card.
    Yours is original and creative.
    I wish you a Happy New Year.

  12. You painted that?! Oh my goodness, talk about talent! Incredible...


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo