
Monday, October 18, 2010

Wonderful News!

If you are a visitor to my blog you will have noticed a picture of a beautiful young lady named Heather on my right sidebar. And if you have ever made the trip over to her mom's blog you will have read how Heather has suffered from a liver condition which was worsening and only a live donor transplant could help her.
Every so often I will click over to see if there is any news. First there was the post from her mom saying a donor had come forward, but there was still the wait to see if they would be a suitable match. Today I clicked over to see if there were any updated posts and ....God Be Praised!!! They are a match and the surgery is scheduled for November 15th!
The donor is the husband of a lovely Christian woman who has a blog here on Blogspot!
Please go read about this inspirational family and the gift they are generously offering this sweet girl. There is a link to this families blog from the updated post Heather's mom did.

Psalms 121:1


  1. I am so touched! Thank you for posting this, will definitely visit Heather's Mom's blog to congratulate and keep praying that all goes well for her.

  2. I am joyful to hear about the generous offer and scheduled operation.
    To Heather and the hero donor man, I offer this Scripture.
    "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 2

  3. Tina... You go beyond sharing encouraging and uplifting words... you minister! Thank you for that! Daryle, from Woodstown Whimsies

  4. Oh how wonderful! For a long time I thought she was you and that was your picture on the blog. Then one time I realized it was not you and clicked to read! I will go check it out now, thanks for letting us know!.


  5. I am tingling with JOY reading this!!! I am so happy - and I will pray that all will go extremely well for them. Thank you so much for letting us all know!

  6. I am so glad it worked out. I had Heather on my sidebar until they said they'd found a donor. I'm glad the light is green!

  7. Ooh fantastic news - as I was reading that, I got lovely goosebumbs across my back... can only mean good news :O)
    Hope you are well in your world too :O)

  8. Tina,
    Guess who's coming to dinner Saturday at my home? Yippee, Heather's donor Robert and his family! I'm super excited since this is the first time we will be meeting.
    We are so grateful to Robert, Kayren and their four children. The transplant is less then a month away and I'm praying everything goes text book perfect.
    I'm working on the dining room table and want everything to be cheerful and festive for this very special occasion. Thank you so much for your help spreading the word. Your kindness and prayers mean a lot.
    Hugs, Cathy

  9. Thanks to you and so many others this story has a happy ending. Praise God that someone came forward and helped her out.
    So glad you shared this great news with us
    Love ya

  10. I had to come here and also read this post..praise and glory to God in the Highest!!!!!! Oh tina,,that is just so awesome. Our God IS good!!!


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Tina xo