
Friday, October 29, 2010

Not A White Rabbit

This little painting was inspired by a square from the Rockefeller Quilt designed by Dorothy Weatherford as a gift to Sharon Percy Rockefeller for her help in supporting their efforts to establish the Mountain Artisans Cooperative of West Virginia. 
The book that features this quilt I received many years ago and every once in awhile I flip through it and admire the work of these wonderful women. This quilt in particular is so filled with lovely folk art designs and then executed in such bright happy colors that it just brightens even the dullest day! I did add a few personal elements and by necessity had to leave off a few others to arrive at this cheerful result. I am not sure if I am entirely finished with it, but I have another idea I am anxious to start on so for now this is "finished".
Have a great day and keep smiling!
Tina xo

Friday, October 22, 2010

How Sweet Is This?

I love animals (big surprise there) and recently I won a wonderful giveaway sponsored by Pamela Holderman, artist extraordinaire...(If you haven't seen her lovely blog and  artwork you should treat yourself to a visit)
Her work is so fresh and her colorways conjure up a feeling of vintage treasures and all things held dear!

Of course when I saw this sweet little goat as a cover choice for the journal I had won I wanted that little face right away! And the sentiment that goes with it was so appropriate for me.

Imagine my great surprise when I opened the parcel and found 3 of Pamela's  lovely cards inside also!
I hate to say it Pam but chances are I am going to keep these beauties for myself! I can hardly wait to start jotting down my ideas in this sweet journal. Thanks again Pam!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wonderful News!

If you are a visitor to my blog you will have noticed a picture of a beautiful young lady named Heather on my right sidebar. And if you have ever made the trip over to her mom's blog you will have read how Heather has suffered from a liver condition which was worsening and only a live donor transplant could help her.
Every so often I will click over to see if there is any news. First there was the post from her mom saying a donor had come forward, but there was still the wait to see if they would be a suitable match. Today I clicked over to see if there were any updated posts and ....God Be Praised!!! They are a match and the surgery is scheduled for November 15th!
The donor is the husband of a lovely Christian woman who has a blog here on Blogspot!
Please go read about this inspirational family and the gift they are generously offering this sweet girl. There is a link to this families blog from the updated post Heather's mom did.

Psalms 121:1

Small Gifts

 I finished this little piece (5" x 7") this weekend and antiqued and crackled it as well. I have always loved doing paintings of angels and other spiritually themed subjects.

I had a friend in mind when I was painting it and I hope she likes it when it arrives at her house with a few other trinkets I know she will love!

It was a little hard to get a good photo as the crackle medium left quite a brilliant shine to the piece and made reflected glare a real problem.
I do like the gold leaf though even though the crackle process chewed up the edge I think it adds to the overall effect of "aging".

The goal was to have it look very old and vintage...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another Frida

I have been so busy with putting the garden to bed for another year and winterizing the house that I haven't posted much in a week or so. But today I put the finishing touches on a new painting and frame I am putting on Ebay today and I wanted to share it here first!
I have had this frame for quite awhile and decided to do this painting on canvas board so it would fit into this frame. Afterwards I decided to rub a little of the blue paint mixed with Golden's Glazing Liquid so it would just seep into the grain and give it a slightly bluish tint.

 Done in acrylic paint this time...

 I have another in progress but it is in oil and I am letting it tack up before adding the next layer of color.                       
I hope everyone had a great and very creative week and on to the weekend!!!