
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Not The Usual

I get all Sleepy Hollowish in the Fall.
If you are like me you will understand the atmosphere I feel hovering about, enveloping me like a mist. 
I become attracted to the "musty smelling", to mausoleums, ghost stories, anything broody!
So I decided to just go with the images I see in my mind at this time of year and create something different for Halloween and Mexico's Day of The Dead.
I call her "The Dreamer" and if you look closely you will see the faint impression of her bone structure underneath her skin. She is an apparition, a faint vision of another time and place.

I had fun making her and decided to add bee's wax over the cloth for an added aging effect. 
More "creepiness" to come. BOO!


  1. Hello dear Tina,
    It is nice to meet you. I love the texture of this painting and the way your worked on, really. It is a good work.
    Thanks for stopping by my artblog and for leaving a comment.

    ♥ Hélène Glehen - a French artist, fond of roses and romantic stuff ♥

  2. Tina that is gorgeous.I love it!So many people on blogger make me so inspired,you are now one.

    Thanks so much for you sweet comment on my blog.I do appreciate it.You know since you mentioned vinegar.I know thats what my motherinlaw had in hers.I remember now.I was trying to think, and thats what it was maybe you guys had the same recipe.

    Always nice to have you visit,have a great Thursday ahead!

  3. This is something truly original. What an idea. And it is well done. You definitely have a lot of tricks in your bag to work from. Keep on creating.

  4. Your Dreamer is quite nice, not scary at all, sorry, JMHO. (Maybe looking in the mirror has me pretty well tempered as to what is really scary)

  5. Oo-er Tina - I find this stuff unnerving. Strange really as I was brought up with the Roman Catholic feasts of All Souls and All Saints. BTW I really loved your Frida Khalo paintings. Especially as I have recently read The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. Will you be doing more?

  6. Hello Tina--It's a cool fall night and the smell of fall is in the air because we've had rain the last couple of days--This has made your creation that much more "mystical" to see. I'm sure the pictures don't do her full justice because I think in looking at her eyes they appear to follow you!

  7. Wow she is very cool my amaze me with your talent! xoxoxo

  8. She is quite amazing and haunting at the same time. Certainly appropriate for All Hallows Eve.

  9. Very beautiful and very haunting. She's a beautiful addition to the Halloween season. Your techniques sound so interesting.

  10. She is beautiful!!! Thanks for visiting my blog!
    ~ Julie

  11. Hi Tina,
    I just visited your blog and your artwork is amazing. You certainly are a talented lady!


  12. wow, this is beautiful, I've been having so much fun with cheese cloth, its spooky and lovely!~

  13. Tina!! What Have I been missing!!! I love the new work!! Very unique and captivating! Thx for your comment on the raven:D

  14. Wow Tina Your good.
    That is the texture!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  15. Hi Tina! Thanks so much for checking in with me, and leaving such a sweet comment. I love what you're doing these days! Such a wonderful combination of paint and texture. Also, colors are marvelous.... certainly an original, esp. for the season.

  16. I love the use of the cheese cloth. I just kept staring and staring at her. Very mystical. Love your creation.

  17. Oh my gosh, that is so creepy cool! Thank you for stopping, If you come up with some starch and fabric projects post them, I would love to see them.


  18. Wow! She is beautiful. You certainly were visiting with your creative muse when you were inspired to create this gorgeous pieces. I love texture, and you certainly have created amazing artwork.


  19. Very creative and I really LOVE the texture!

    We have the same thoughts about Survivor! That mean girl, Nay, I think her name is...should be put in time out!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and you very nice comment!

  20. Love this work of art

  21. Boo back! She is very cool and I am looking forward to more spookiness. When I was small we lived in an area of Whitehorse called Seepy Hollow. I loved it there, and it was spooky, but then I was only 5. I do remember being told that Sleepy Hollow was a real place that was very scary; ours was too but only at night. Late at night, when the wind howled and the moon was the full. The sheen on the river was thick and oily and the branches scratched at my window.... the dead leaves rustled like papery skin over bones...



  23. Hi Tina, I won one of your 5 inch squares in the swap with Jillayne. I love it. It will go well in my sewing room with the other swap squares. You are very talented. Thank you again, Lucille.

  24. I'm so impressed! What a gorgeous painting. I am not good with faces at all, really hard aren't they? Keep up the fabulous work.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo