
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jack Has It Right

It has been scorching hot here for days now and I don't know about anyone else but this weather makes me "panicky". I can't explain it but I feel claustrophobic, have trouble getting my breath and generally feel like a limp dishrag with hormone troubles.
Anyway as I was walking around and moaning about the outrageousness of these temps in upstate New York I happened to see this little guy, just relaxing and taking it easy....hmmmm.
Maybe the cat is right.
Maybe I am approaching this all wrong. Life and Mother Nature has just handed me the perfect excuse for sitting on my duff and doing....*gasp* ...nothing!!!
So Jack, my esteemed friend, and I are going to be lounging on the sofa today in front of the A/C and fan and just doing.....NOTHING!
Have a lovely "nothing" moment wherever you are today!


  1. Oh Tina - you and Jack have it absolutely right! I have often said, if there really is such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a house cat! Stay cool!

  2. Amen to that Kasey!
    One of those lucky buggers that the owner leaves a million dollars to.....only not one of those owners that dresses me up in ballet costumes and parades me around town!
    Tina xo

  3. Oh wow - you have exactly described my reaction when it gets too hot and humid. I do suffer from claustrophobia in a mild way and excessive heat does seem to induce similar panicky feelings, so I sympathize with you. It has been sweltering here in the UK for about three weeks in a row now which is unusual in recent years. Truly the 'flaming June' of past memories. Of course you would probably laugh at our notion of hot weather. Anything over 18 deg celsius/ 64 deg F is warm for us. (Winter weather to our Australian daughter!)But in the south of England we have lately had temps of 25 to 30C/77 to 86F. Nights of 15C/59F with no breeze can be hard to take. We don't do air-con much here - not in homes anyway! (BTW our black cat is watching a World Cup Football/Soccer match on TV. Wondering who he supports - Germany or Spain?)x

  4. Jack is your teacher and you are his apt pupil. Thank goodness you have AC. I don't do well in heat over 90 degree either, however I live in a temperate climate and don't have AC. So take a nap or read a book and stay cool dear!

  5. Yay,..your cat is an a wise being..those nothing moments..hold bliss and joy and calm!
    Enjoy! I will too!

  6. I know it's a dry heat but it's still 104 here.

    Ice on your wrists really helps, or do what I do, crank up the air and bead!

    Thanks for stopping by oldgreymare!


  7. oh, isnt he a sweetie? How could you resist just cuddling up with him and taking a nap! I think he's got the right idea :) and yes, the heat makes me pretty cranky too ;)

  8. We're hot here too but can't complain after a very long, wet and cool month. But... no insulation in the attic now and the upstairs is sweltering. Your cat has the right idea and you were wise to follow his lead. Stay cool Tina!

  9. OMG - just seen a weather report from New York on our TV here in the UK. It was over 80F at 1am and has been hovering around 103F in the daytime! How on earth are you managing over there? Our little heatwave is mild in comparison - though it's still uncomfortable. Poor you - and Jack in his furry coat.

  10. Thank you Tina for following my blog. Its nice to know we are sort of neighbors, I'm in Amherst NY. and like you suffering through this heat wave. I absolutely love both your blogs! the coolness and peace of your garden, and the lovely teacups I just browsed through.
    Right now I will take a tip from you and the kitty...a day of nothing!
    Thanks again

  11. Hi Tina! Thanks for visiting and sorry it took me so long to get over here!
    Hey, nothing wrong with lounging when the weather is miserable! We do it all the time in the cold winter months here so it's all good :)
    Enjoy your weekend and I hope the weather gets back to normal for you soon. Hi to Jack also :)

  12. Hi Tina, thank you for your comments : ) I do hope I get things up and running soon. I hope it is cooler for you today.
    Thanks again

  13. The pale yellow of the teacup was refreshing to my eyes. Reminding me of fresh lemonade....on ice.
    We are suffering from the same heat, as you. Relief tomorrow!
    You are always welcome for tea on Tuesday's or maybe ice tea.

  14. The soft yellow of the teacup reminded me of fresh lemonade. Lovely memories of your mom.
    We are suffering from the same heatwave. Relief tomorrow.
    You are welcome for tea or ice tea anytime.

  15. Like you I don't look forward to this hot weather,and this weekend it's supposed to be the hottest of the year and temps could reach 92 deg here in the south east of the UK.
    We'll be off early to the beach tomorrow where it will,hopefully,be a bit cooler!

    Bellaboo :0)

  16. Yup, that cat is one smart animal! He knows exactly what to do in a heat wave. Oddly enough, however, my cats seem to assume that relaxed position regardless of the weather! :D


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo