
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Is It Tuesday Already?


Wow hard to believe that a whole week has gone by! 
First off thank you Terri and Martha for hosting such a lovely event each Tuesday!

Because the week was hectic with many projects in the works I ended up having to go with something simple today if I wanted to participate and I did so here she is....
A sweet little thing from China that was given to me as a gift by a friend who knows I love pink and thought maybe I could plant a violet in her or make a pin cushion out of her, but I like her just the way she was, sitting on my shelf just looking pretty and!
I love the raised pattern and even the fact that she is a sturdy girl, not fragile at all, but from good solid stock! Now being from China I would not actually drink hot tea from her (lead in the coloring is a possibility) but I think she is pleasant to look at even so. I displayed her on a vintage embroidered doily that was found at a garage sale in sad shape but it cleaned up adequately and I thought they made a lovely match!

Have a wonderful week everybody, you are always in my thoughts.......


  1. Friends know us best! What a nice gift. Love the embroidery and crochet work on the doily.

  2. Tina......I LOVE THIS TEACUP!! It's pink, and I love the raised details on it. I so need one of these for my little collection! The vintage doily is so sweet :)

    Have a great "Tea" Tuesday!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  3. What a lovely gift. When a friend gives us a gift that is "SO US" we know that much thought and love was put into the gift. What a dear friend.

    The doily is SO pretty. I LOVE it.

    Have a lovely day,
    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  4. What a beautiful pink tea cup and saucer!! So lovely!!
    And the doily is beautiful!! Don't you just love vintage linens!!


  5. Very pretty. I love the raised pattern on her, and her pinkness is perfect. What a lovely gift.

  6. Your PINK teacup is just so cute! I like that it's from your friend, that it is pink, and that it is sturdy. Hot chocolate would be great in that cup!
    And the old linen is so pretty, too!
    Thanks for coming over to see me, too, and I look forward to seeing you next week on TT!

  7. It's very cute. You're right, the teacup and doily make a wonderful match.

  8. Hi Tina,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and paying me a visit today :) :) :) So I thought I'd return the favor :) :) :) I love that pink teacup and lovely )_ :) :) I also like that really nice round cloth with the crocheted edging, too!!! That's got style and character :) :)
    Love and hugs, Heather :)

  9. Very nice pink cup. Yes, you could do more than drink tea from it...paper clips on a desk comes to mind or rings on a dresser. :)

  10. love that shade of pink. I am so happy that my blog gave you an aha moment! You are so right that God wants us to be happy and not stress over what we are creating and doing - if we could only always remember that!

  11. Sometimes simplicity is the key!
    Just like the combination of your pretty pink teacup and doilly... it does look as if they should be together!


  12. Pink my favorite color ….what a lovely gift.
    Sweet Blessings,

  13. Thank you for stopping by.I love your grandmothers name. And I will have to go check out the doll maker, thanks for the lead. I think your pink cup is adorable and love the purple edge on the doily.

  14. Tina I knew we loved the same things! I too see pink everywhere I go when I am looking for something for me. lol
    This is a really pretty cup and saucer and yes the doily is prefect for it. Actually I think at one time I had one of these doilys are maybe it was my grandmother.
    I love always reading your comments to me. Your such a wonderful dear friend and so blessed our paths have crossed even if it is in blogland.
    Especially thrilled that you want to do a story for me. Wasn't Karens story wonderful. I love reading what my friends have to say.
    Can't wait to post yours.
    I do appreciate your prayers and thoughts. Just waiting for the phone call which I hope will be by tomorrow. Will let everyone know the results
    Love you

  15. Pretty pink tea cup and pretty doily. I enjoyed seeing both of them. laurie

  16. What a lovely tea cup. There is something healing about a nice cup of tea, especially when you are sipping it from such a lovely tea cup.

  17. Thanks for stopping by.Love your little pink cup and saucer,a very thoughtful gift from your friend.

    Bellaboo ;0)

  18. What a lovely teacup. I love the comfort that a nice thick cup can bring and this one is lovely to boot! Take care.

  19. Hi: I love the pink tea cup. It is so beautiful and dainty. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  20. How charming..I adore that sweet teacup! I so believe you have to have the perfect cup to sip tea...and this looks like the one.
    Hugs to you. xoxo

  21. Hey honey I just read your comment on my story about the bathing suits and yes Navasota is 20 minutes from College Station. I went through there for my appointment. How funny that you have a brother living there. I worked at the prison in Navasota for 15 years. Know the town well. I live about 35 miles from there in a small town called Burton.
    Take care honey

  22. Your pink teacup is lovely and so is that embroidered doily.

  23. Thanks for coming by and commenting on the Columbines! Buy some seeds and plant'll love them. They will come back year after year (if the deer leave them alone) and come in MANY colors. Pink, yellow, white, and shades thereof. The wild Columbines are usually lavendar colored.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo