
Friday, July 16, 2010

Faith Today in the Answer

First I want to say thank you to Angie at Free Spirit Haven, one of the Lord's angels on earth and the hostess of  "Fearless Fridays"  A sweet soul she is!

Today as I lay in bed trying to get up and start the day, I happened to look over to the wall and there as always is a picture of Jesus that belonged to my grandmother. I thought of all the prayers I have said over the last few months for people I know and many I have never had the opportunity to meet and wondered how they were doing.
I think of all the prayers I have said on my own behalf over the years, those answered "my" way and those uhhh not so much! I kept hearing in my mind the words, "Get out of your own way". What does that mean I wondered?
Like a light coming on I suddenly had the often I blocked Heavenly Father's plan for me with "my" little plan for me. I answered my own prayers and in effect shoved Him out of the way. "He's just not moving fast enough for my tastes" or "Hey I have a better idea so move over Jesus".
I prayed but I wasn't willing to wait for "HIS" answer. I realize now that in learning to wait on Him we acquire peace and certainty. When we wait quietly and patiently we have no fear for His spirit sustains us.
As a "control freak" this is a hard lesson to learn. But if we take the time to ask our Heavenly Father for guidance what sense does it make to then walk away and start making lists and notes for ourselves.

So today I vow, no more plan lists, no more second guessing, today I will court peace and today I will listen for the Lord's voice and turn mine off!
Love and prayers to all
Tina xo


  1. What a beautiful post. I too have struggled with patience, waiting for God's plan in so many circumstances. Recently I realized that when we truly understand the depth to which God loves each of us, then we find it easier to wait...knowing that He is always faithful and that He will surely answer our prayers in His time. Thankfulness always seems to push fear to the back of a situation, and I believe that when we know that we are His Beloved, we never give fear a place.

    Thank you for sharing your faith.


  2. Hi Tina, such a nice post! God is always talking to us but we have to get quiet to hear Him. That is hard sometimes.

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments on Bella Vista. I do appreciate the time you took to post your input.

    Have a blessed and happy weekend.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  3. I agree with Barb up there Tina.God is always listening to us and speeking to us in ways we have yet to know.Sometimes when the years move on and we stop worrying about it you see what he has said.You know for sure it was HIM speeking because you have found his answer maybe a bit late.

    Blessing to you and a pleasant weekend as well!

  4. I am a firm believer in the power of intention and the law of attraction. Every thought is a prayer. Be careful of what you think. Blaming "The Lord" is simply not a thing to do. It's good you realize this. How we pray is an art form that isn't taught in religions. Prayers are answered only through consciously living in the now and thinking/believing everything is possible. Be joyful, grateful and loving, and keep your dreams alive and detailed. Giving a small portion of your earnings or of your time is also beneficial for keeping the energy flowing your way. Never beg or lament, or that is all you'll ever get; more reasons for begging and lamenting. That is part of the art form that religions forget about.

    Peace and Joy to you!


  5. Well I so could connect to this post girl..I find these last 22 months has definitely taught me ,'rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him'...oh ya,I can think back to the times I've rushed ahead, or 'move over God, I'll do it'..I'm at a place where right now I join you, "So today I vow, no more plan lists, no more second guessing, today I will court peace and today I will listen for the Lord's voice and turn mine off!"

  6. This so touched me...from one control freak to another. Sometimes I know God wishes he could just hit the replay button when he reminds me to stand back and let him work. Thanks for blessing me today. Patty @ seeds of faith

  7. I too am one of those "control freaks" and your post today gave me lots to think about. Let go.....

  8. Hi, Tina,
    Thank you for this post today! I often tend to tell God what I think is the way things should go instead of letting Him take the lead so Amen to all you said. Your pink tea cup and saucer from your sweet friend are so charming, love them!! Enjoy your weekend, my friend~ Love and blessings to you~ Vicki

  9. Wise words my is in His time..and only His time. Sometimes it is hard to remember...I am trying too. xoxoxo
    Hugs for a happy weekend.

  10. Thanks for an insightful post. Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage.

  11. Oh you hit the nail on the head with this one. I have a hard time waiting patiently and sitting quietly as you know!

  12. Let go and let God. Simple to say but not so simple to follow! Thank you Tina.

  13. you have come my way for a reason, no doubt about it, to help and support our sisters/brothers in this journey is our most precious gift. everything else is illusion, play, diversion, vanity. all that matters is the human factor and your FAITH has reinforced mine. HE is the greatest example, we need to turn to HIM more often nad never forget prayer, prayer, prayer for it is magically soothing.

  14. oh, and by the way, i like you! intuitively like you since i don't know you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo