
Saturday, July 3, 2010

I have always been a huge fan of painted furniture and a few years ago in a fit of boredom in the evenings after work, I decided to just go wild on an old teacher's side table I had gotten out of the dumpster at a local school. It was still sturdy and sound so with a little sanding it was ready to paint.
I started by making sketches of whatever design floated through my work-weary mind and then getting out all the little bottles of craft paint I had collected over the years.

I wanted something that would make a real statement, in colors that would sing and cheer me up after a long day crunching numbers and this is what developed over the next 6 weeks.
At the time I didn't know about reds and yellows being "transparent" colors, so having to add multiple layers of those colors to get the look I wanted was frustrating. But in the end I was happy with the results and after several coats of varnish it now sits in a corner of my bedroom. So if you have a little old wooden something sitting around and paints hmmmm!


  1. Tina....
    Such a stunning paint job.
    Wow...what a labor of love, You must have patience galore!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  2. Hey there Kathy!
    Patience I have on occasion, not always, but I do love to paint and at the time (it was winter and freezing temps outside)it filled many a boring hour. The nice thing is I had a pretty toy surprise at the end of the job, haha..
    Tina xo

  3. What an amazing project! You must have had such a good time doing it. It's the sort of thing to do ONCE. Ya think? thanks for your visit to my blog and such a nice comment. Jacqueline

  4. Hi Jacqueline
    Thanks for the lovely comment and I have one thing for sure going in my favor...I LOVE TO PAINT!! Yep it's true I will volunteer to paint rooms, houses, murals..I have done it all and I love it. So there is probably more furniture in my future. I am thinking this time though I might try something simpler with a floral or "Old Masters" reproduction on it.
    Tina xo

  5. Wow, it's pretty. All the color designs are unique and so precise. Wonderful job!

  6. Wow! it looks fabulous!

    Not sure if you've caught up with my art doll giveaway with a twist on my blog....I'm raising money for animals along with it... (sorry if you already have.. it's got a bit overwhelming!)

    Happy Independence Day weekend to you X

  7. I just went over to see Heather.. isn't she beautiful. I hope the donor is a good match.

  8. Abi I am on my way right now to buy a few tickets!
    Tina xo

  9. Wow! That is absolutely stunning! You made it sound so easy to do but I'm sure it wasn't that simple. The design is just fantastic!

  10. Wow, this is so bright and happy. I don't think you could have a sad thought when looking at your table. It is gorgeous.

  11. What a talented artist you are !
    The table is beautifu, so colorful and vibrant.
    Thanks for stopping by, I hope we can visit back and forth often ...
    Happy Fourth to you and yours,

  12. I adore your table...makes me smile! Your painting is amazing.
    Happy 4th of July to you! xoxo

  13. Hi Elizabeth and thanks for the visit and comment. Happy 4th to you also and I look forward to getting to know you better!
    Tina xo

  14. What a gorgeous table Tina! I love the colours and the design - that is one happy-looking table!

  15. Tina - what a beautiful table! I agree with so many of the comments so far - how much patience you must have, and how cheerful it is, and how creative and such wonderful use of colours! It looks like it would be fun as long as there was no deadline involved! I am going to have put painting a table or chest on my bucket list.
    This is my first time to this blog - I love your writing, and thanks for the Canada Day wishes!

  16. Good afternoon Kasey and thanks for the comment you left on the table. I have some patience but not that much! It was winter and there isn't much to do in the evenings but tv and ....painting, crochet, knitting, whatever to keep my hands and mind busy! But it was fun and you should have a go at it. The next thing I want to do is pastel colors and flowers on it too.
    Tina xo

  17. Hi Jillayne and Pam and thanks so much! It is a happy little thing for sure and right now it is in my bedroom but maybe I need to bring it out where everyone can enjoy it!
    Tina xo

  18. super are so talanted..very festive and beautiful wiht all those dazzling colors...really unique..that muts have been fun to create ..yay!!
    thanks for visitng..loved your iris!

  19. wow! this is amazing! Especially for a first try. the detail is fantastic, great job!~

  20. Ooh, I love your table. You did a great job : )


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo