
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One of Mom's

My mom was a huge lover of tea cups and saucers and over the years we (her children) gave her many sets as gifts for special holidays or just "because". Being children we could not always afford anything expensive but she always loved and treasured each one we presented her with. This is one I gave her when I was about 16.
It says on the bottom that it is Paragon Fine Bone China, made in England by appointment to her Majesty The Queen. Well at 16 that was good enough for me! Add to that the fact that it has carnations (one of mom's favorites) and a touch of gold and it was perfect as far as I could see.

Since she left us in 1983 I have been so thankful that I held onto a few of her cups and take them out on occasion for a good polishing and admiring and I was so happy to find "Tea Cup Tuesday" and have the opportunity to share a few of the cups and saucers I have stored for years.      *sorry for the "not so great" pictures but a photographer I am not! I am trying to learn but it has been a very slow apologies.


  1. Hi Tina( hugs)..what a beautiful post and tribute to your mom and her love for tea cups! precious, touching and special to have such treasures from her!! Enjoy!

  2. Good morning Kiki and thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I do miss my mom so very much and I wish I had had her longer. Bringing out her treasures though does bring her back to life for me and I get to feel close to her again! Happy Tuesday to you!
    Tina xo

  3. Hi Tina :) What a lovely cup you had given to your mother; I know it holds dear and fond memories for you. I too have kept a few special items that I had given to my mother over the years, and now that she is gone, they hold very special memories for me. Thank you for sharing this with us today.

    Wishing you a Happy Teacup Tuesday, warmest, Brenda

  4. Lovely colour & shape (this is what 1st atracts me to my TCs when I want to buy one

    Love Dawn xx

  5. Hello Tina- That is a lovely and touching post. I say it so often, but these are the memories we have are the true treasures in the world. Lovely, take care.

  6. Very lovely teacup, made even more so by the special memories that go with it.

    My showing today also carries memories, as it belonged to my grandmother. I think the things we have that are laden with memories are the BEST things of all, don't you?

    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  7. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see my tea cup and I will be visiting all of your blogs as well to have a look at your treasures. Sadly I had to go help someone pull stinging nettles from an area they want to make into a secret garden and it took all day. My arms and ankles bore the brunt of the attack...ouch! Tomorrow I have a little time to myself and time to blog.
    Happy evening!
    Tina xo

  8. Hi Tina! Do not worry about your photography skills.. If you need a confidence boost, just stop over to my blog! I'm working with a horrible camera, till I can find the right deal on the name brand one I'M looking for! Thank God for editing! It definitely HELPS!.. Love the beautiful cup and saucer you got for your mother, and it's good that you have it out to admire and enjoy!.. Have a nice evening! ~tina

  9. What a beautiful cup and saucer. That was a lovely gift to give your Mom and now a precious keepsake.

  10. YOur mum's cup is beautiful! Paragon is a really good company. How special to have it and your memories of her. So many have shared their mum's tea cup today. I have one from my mum too, and it holds a special place in my heart.
    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  11. Hi Tina,
    I'm so happy you stopped by for tea! Your teacup is lovely and so nice that you still have teacups from your mom. I think your photos are great! You should have seen mine when I first started blogging! I didn't have a clue what I was doing. But it's coming; slowly. Hope you're having a lovely week.


  12. Now this is one very elegant tea cup and saucer!! I am totally in love with it and how lucky you are that you were able to keep some of your mom's tea cups as a loving remembrance of her.

  13. What a lovely memory of your mother. I have one particular tea cup in my collection that has special value to me because it is one I gave my grandmother years ago when I first started working and so excited to be making "real" money. When she passed away, it came back to me and I so enjoy having it in my collection as a reminder of her unique personality.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog yesterday for my little "Frog Tea Party" ... hope it gave you a chuckle! I'm your newest follower. :)

  14. Good morning Tina
    I hope you are feeling better! Thank you for visiting me today..I love the tea cup you are showing today..the colours are so vibrant. Since it was your mother's it holds special memories as well. Have a great week.


  15. Hi TIna!

    What a sweet teacup and even sweeter with the fond memories of your Mom!

    There is nothing at all wrong with your photos and the beauty of the cup shines thru perfectly!
    Thank you for sharing your special treasure!

    Hugs and Smiles,

  16. Tina! i love this ornately detailed cup!
    and the crochet it's displayed on is making my mouth water too!

    did you make that?

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  17. Hi: What an amazing tea cup. I would like to invite you to join Tea Cup Tuesday. I know the ladies would love to see this stunning cup. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  18. Hi Martha and thank you so much for stopping by and visiting and also for the lovely comment you left. I did put my link on Terri's blog but I am not sure how things work, I am still not always great with computers. My son can build them from the ground up and is always making fun of the fact that the things scare the heck out of me. If I am not linked to Tea Cup Tuesday just let me know and tell me how the heck to do it, haha
    Tina xo

  19. You have a wonderful blog! and your photos are very good for a beginner. What will they be like with a new camera? Have fun taking the pictures and they will be great!
    Wonderful to have you stop in for tea and sharing the story about your teacup. Must agree its the memories that make them special.
    Hope to see you next week.
    Blessings, Pam

  20. Dear Pam;
    Thanks for the lovely welcome and I am looking forward to dusting off the family china and sharing the photos on Tuesdays. Your china was just gorgeous and I enjoyed seeing it!
    Tina xo

  21. Beautiful china. I love my treasures from relatives and love using them too. Thanks for visiting and for the idea of hiring a teenager, but then I would worry he might hurt himself! sheesh...

  22. Oh, it's a very beautiful one. How nice that you still have a few of your mom's teacups.

  23. Hi Olga and thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Yes I am lucky to have been able to keep and be caretaker for so many family things! No one else was interested in being the family "packrat" so I got the job, but I am happy with it!
    Tina xo

  24. Sooooo pretty...I have a passion of tea cups as well...I have many of my moms! Have a great weekend. xoxo

  25. What a beautiful set you gave your mother! I'm sure she treasured it!!
    I love family keepsakes like this, thanks for sharing!!

  26. Such a pretty teacup! As you probably know from reading my blog I collect t.cups and saucers.I can't resist! Yours is all the more special because it holds treasured memories of your mother.I like to wonder who may have used the t.cups I collect.
    Thanks for visiting today,lovely to hear from you!

    Bellaboo ;0)

  27. Such a special gift for a lady! What a wonderful daughter you are to have given your Mother such a lovely Teacup! Now you can Treasure it always with the love of your Mother in this beautiful teacup! Come join me for Tea Time Tuesday next week with your lovely cup and the charming story of your Grandmother making your Mothers clothes by hand. I so loved hearing about your Mother and Grandmother! What wonderful Ladies they were!

  28. Tina,
    Don't apologize, your pictures are perfect! I love the story behind this beautiful teacup. I'm amazed at how many touching stories there are connected to a simple teacup. Maybe that's why I love tea so much!

  29. HI Lorna and thank you so much for the visit and lovely comment. I have over the years developed a very healthy respect for what the ladies in my family went through taking care of their families during the depression and war. So their possessions, as humble as they may be, are very special to me now and bring me close to them. I am looking forward to sharing more teacups in coming Tuesdays.
    Tina xo

  30. Dear Lady Katherine;
    Thank you for the wonderful comment and for the invitation and I will definitely come by your blog next Tuesday!
    Isn't it wonderful that the more years that pass (I'm 59) the closer we feel to the wonderful ladies we have had in our lives? My grandmother passed away when I was 7 and for years I had trouble remembering details about her, but this year so many great memories have returned to me. After years of struggle life has become a wonderful journey to me! Have a great weekend!
    Tina xo

  31. I know nothing about Tea Cup Tuesday - except what I read here of course! But your photos are fine. Your teacup story is charming and I think you were a loving daughter to have searched out such a treasure for your mother. Re cameras - I have had my fair share of disasters with them over the years. From a very special Nikon SLR stolen from the back of our car, to various digital cameras from expensive to bargain price which all stopped working without warning after approx 12 months use. Although I now have another quite good, modestly priced digital camera, I invariably just use my mobile phone. As you can see from my blog the pics are fine. I use Bluetooth to transfer them to my laptop or at a photo shop if I want prints. I shall soon be upgrading my mobile phone and intend to choose the one with the best camera!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo