
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Teacup Tuesday Ladies!
I am really excited to show this humble little tea set I got from a very strong lady named Evelyn Beauchemin who passed away last year at 104 years old.
She was the aunt of a dear friend of mine and lived all of her life in Dannemora New York, a stone's throw from the prison where her husband worked all his life. She was a very organized and opinionated lady who took no nonsense from anyone.
For a short period of time I had the privilege of spending 6 hours on Saturday and 6 on Sunday keeping her company and making her meals.
When she left us I was given a set of dishes (Evelyn's first "good" set) as a reminder of my time with her.

I was thrilled! This is part of that set which sadly does not include a teapot, but that doesn't bother me at all.

As you can see it has a cream colored finish with lovely simple roses and a silver edge to all the pieces.
I arranged it on a doily that belonged to my grandmother and added a few of my paper roses for fun.

Not all pieces are marked but those that are say "Homer Laughlin, Virginia Rose, made in USA, E44N8"

I will treasure it always as a remembrance of a lady who feared very little even though she lived through some tumultuous times and faced everything with grace and a broom and dustbin!

May we all be as strong!


  1. Hello Tina!
    Thank you so much for posting this wonderful post!
    It really got me thinking... I wish I was like your wonderful lady friend!
    Unfortunately, I always seem to strugle to say no and let everyone take advantage of my weakness!


  2. That is a lovely set! And how wonderful to have something tangible to remind you of this special lady. She sounds like she was quite a character! :)

  3. Hello :) What a very lovely, and very special tea set you have. I know you will treasure them for many years to come, and remind you of the very special lady you wished you to have them. Perhaps one day you will find the matching tea pot. You can always try looking on Ebay :)

    Wishing you a very Happy Teacup Tuesday!

    Warmest, Brenda

  4. It is wonderful that you have such a pretty teaset from such a special lady. You will always remember her strong chararter when you use her set.What a wonderful role model she was and how blessed you were to spend that time with her.
    I hope someday you find the teapot too.

    If you have a moment please stop in for tea and share this delightful story with the other ladies.
    Have a blessed week. Pam

  5. Thank you for sharing these memories and the tea set. She sounds as if she was a wonderful role model for you and she was blessed with your presence.
    If you have a moment I know the other tea ladies would be delighted to see this pretty china and hear the story. You are welcome for tea anytime.
    Have a blessed week.

  6. Tina,

    I remember this set from my childhood. How wonderful that you were given this set and what fond memories you will have of this grand woman. Beautiful set. Enjoy it! Homer Laughlin made such good *stuff*!!!!! :D :D

  7. What a lovely gift and remembrance of her. The creamy color and flowers are beautiful. I am sure you are really enjoying them.
    Thank you for sharing.

  8. Thank you for your visit. Meet you has been a pleasure.

  9. Hi Tina nice to meet you too. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your very sweet comments. What a wonderful treasure you have and the story behind it is just as wonderful. I love reading the stories as much as I love seeing the treasures.
    Have a great week!

  10. Hello Tina
    Thanks for visiting me and I'm so glad I joined you for tea as well. Lovely story about how you received your pretty tea set and may you remember happy times with the lady.
    Think of the fun of checking garage sales and thrift shops for a teapot that will go well with the pattern.

  11. Love ths story 104 good on her like you say the things this laduy must have seen. you must of had some wonderful chats so she would of see the roaring 20s and the great depression I wonder what she thought of all the techknowledgy coming from an erea when a car was a rare thing, to man on the moon and the micro chip amazing! and a wonderful gift to you I am sure the pleasure of her company was enough but it's nice to be thought well of isn't it

    Love Dawn xx

  12. What a lovely set of dishes...and you will find things to match at flea markets. I have seen this pattern a few times. And how nice that you have a nice memory, a nice story to go with the dishes. Knowing the other woman's hands that have touched these plates makes them even more a jewel in your own hands.

  13. What a lovely tea set and special memories each time you use it. I hope you can find the Homer Laughlin teapot to match.

  14. What a lovely tea set to remind you of a very special lady!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today...with regard to winter weather up North and non-stop summer in the Deep South, yes, it's funny how we each respond to a situation so differently. I guess it's all what you are used to, huh?

    I hope you have a lovely week.


  15. What a lovely tea set! And what a nice memory attached to it. You're right ~ may we all face life with such grace. I just love your painting of Frida, too. You are very talented! Thanks for stopping by. I am happy to make your acquaintance.

  16. Hi: That was my Mother's wedding set! I gave it to my daughter when she got married. It is my all time favorite. I am so happy you shared it. It has put a big smile on my heart. Have a wonderful day. Blessings to you, Martha

  17. Wow..magnificent set..and how wonderful to have a beeautiful treasure to represent your connection together..beautiful!! What a wonderful post and tribute to her! Gogeous set! Enjoy!!!

  18. Hello there lovely lady Tina,

    These tea things; the creamer and sugar are so precious; I especially loved hearing about the strong and graceful lady whom you had the priviledge of knowing and receiving these treasures from!~ I love them!.., What a legacy! I am deeply inspired by her story, which somehow I know, I shall never forget!..,

    Thanks so much for sharing these lovelies with us, as well as her inspirational story!

    37 teatime posts ago a wonderful thing happened for me that I just love to share.., I was inspired to begin my little, 'Tuesday Tea For Two' blog party teatime in my little corner of the blogging world..

    Times had been very difficult, with much sorrow, sickness and loss and as I re-visited some artwork of two kitties sharing, 'Tuesday Tea For Two' that I had painted some years ago, I decided to create my first weekly, blog party meme.., It was a comfort and a delight to reach out an sahre with otheres!

    ~The rest as they say is history..,

    I am delighted to invite you to open your heart once more and to also experience more 'tea tastings', so to speak, as well as to celebrate what I lovingly refer to as;'Tuesday And Wednesday Teatime In Blogland'!

    You see, I love teatime in blogland so much that I have three teatime memes; one is a shared one..,

    This week marks my,(as mentioned), 37th,'Tuesday Tea For Two', my 28th, 'Wednesday Tea For Me And Thee'. Also there is now a shared meme,our 9th,'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday' that is shared with my dear friend Pam @

    Whew!~ That's a lot of teapartying fun! I also regularly list the links and partake with as many teatimes in blogland that I can find, (and they also kindly join in the fun with me by partcipating with my Mr. Linky, links)..,

    Won't you please except my warm invitation to also join in the fun? ~ It would be a pleasure to also have you join in with the ever broadening teatime in blogland experience, and come, 'follow the tea trolley laden with goodies', as we all share yet another 'tea-lightful' cuppa and some more tea party treats galore!

    Please do pop by for a visit soon; I'd love to sahere some afternoon tea and cakes with you!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
    @ The Plumed Pen and also @ Silken Purse

  19. This set is beautiful Tina. So sad that we in England mostly tend to use mugs for our tea nowadays. And sadly old tea sets often can't be put into modern dishwashers as the patterns will be gradually destroyed. Happily there is a recent renewed interest in the huge variety of interesting teas now available, as well as tea parties and the appreciation of vintage china tea services. I hope you use your lovely china and don't just keep it for 'show'.

  20. hi Tina..
    so nice to meet you. I think this is my first visit but it wont be my last..
    thats a beautiful tea setting you have..
    I appreciate your visit and your kind comment. the doors always open, so stop by anytime..
    your newest follower

  21. Gorgeous!I love tea sets.I have some cute teapots that are china, and some teacups and saucers.Im liking that set though.

    Happy 4th Tina!

  22. Wow I had to do a double take on this set because it looked so much like my China but it is not the same but real real close. Lovely and what a great story along with it too.
    For my Blogazine guest you just have to send your story and a picture of whatever you want to include with the story plus a link to your blog to
    Will be looking forward to posting your story

  23. Tina. I really liked yor teaware. I enjoyed the visit. Thank you for stopin by.

  24. Dear Tina,
    Thank you so much for following me!
    You have made my day!!!
    I`m now your follower too!


  25. What a beautiful set; love the colour and shape!
    thanks for sharing.


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Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and for leaving a comment. It truly brightens my day to read your thoughtful remarks!
Tina xo