
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Playing with Mixed Media!

I love playing with materials and textures and so this past week I toyed around with a few ideas I had and this painting is the culmination of ideas.
I used humble cardboard to make the small garden shed and hive and covered both with layers of molding paste and paint before attaching them to the canvas with soft gel. 

             The photo is a copy of a vintage picture from a friend's family archive ( his name was Henri)


 I went a little crazy with texture but then I was never was what one would call subdued when it came to art!

I have so many ideas and only so many hours to work with and I fell way behind when I had the accident with my hand. 

Well I am off to visit blogs and then work on something new but I do hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday filled with blessed peace and happiness.....

Tina xo

Friday, August 23, 2013

Hopefully Clear Sailing Ahead!

Well just when I thought life was headed on an even keel......nope....on June 28 I fell down a flight of steps and mangled up my left (dominant) hand. Yep and to top it off I had a 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/4" piece of wood embedded in the wound that I walked around with for 3 weeks before I realized it and had it surgically removed.
Good grief I will not go into any details but I had a real challenge just doing dishes or dressing, so painting and writing were out of the question! In the last week though I was finally able to get back on the horse and caught up on a couple of commissioned paintings I had waiting in the wings and here they are...finally...

I have tried to keep up with blog posts so I wouldn't lose touch with how everyone was doing and now that I can move my hand again I will be visiting and leaving comments again...yippie!!!

Hope everyone has been having a great summer so far? Talk with you soon!

Love Tina xo