
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Quick Update

As many of you know Pumpkin finally lost his battle with his illness and left my side on April 20th.
I will always miss him and there is a huge empty place in my heart since that day! Till we meet again little buddy!

Then on May 3rd I had a terrible car accident in which I miraculously was unscathed but the other person involved died at the hospital. It was a horrible experience and I thank the Lord that the memory of that day is fading.

Although the car is drivable the cost to repair the frame and add two new doors is too costly for me so I had to buy another used car that seems so far to be running well (fingers crossed)!
I had always prided myself on my spotless driving record so being involved in a collision that resulted in a death kept me awake nights trying to reconstruct what had happened and was there any way I could have avoided the accident. But like so many things in life no matter how many times I questioned my memory I could not find any answers.

I hope life has been quieter for all of you?

I would be remiss if I didn't mention 2 ladies who lifted me from this dark place.
Many thank yous to Angela @
for the beautiful scriptures you sent to me, it lifted my heart dear friend!

And to Maggie@
who wrote me a lovely and heartfelt  email that meant a lot to me!

So many wonderful people are on Blogger and I am grateful each day to have met you all, you have become so dear to me!

So here's to a better tomorrow and happier times this summer. I look forward to celebrating some of the good times this year with you all!

Love always
Tina xo