
Monday, February 18, 2013


A busy happy weekend....

Making more of those sweet textile brooches and now I am assembling a mini quilt that I am going to hang in a unique way so stay tuned for another of my creative but slightly wonky ideas!

                                                         LITTLE HEN
                                                         BIRDIE BLUE
                                                        BIRDIE BROWN
I decided to combine fabric and paint to accomplish the effect I wanted. I found I really like working with paint on fabric that way, such a change from canvas! And then being able to embellish it with embroidery thread is quite exciting. 

I hope everyone had a happy weekend? I just wish that Spring would get here as I feel a little worn out with the cold and ice this year. I will be so much happier when I can mover further South and be closer to family and warmth.
Starting this week I would like to borrow a page from other blogger's books and get a little more personal about my self and my life in my posts.
Sometimes it is hard to share details and reveal grubby bits but I don't want anyone to ever get the impression that my life is all sweetness and light. There is struggle and agonizing and all that jazz and I don't want to feel that I have to hide the circumstances of my life and that sharing some of it will cost me friends. 
I care about each person I connect with here and some of you are VERY special to me. I have read your honest posts about your lives and envied your courage and now I feel it is my turn to stand tall and be myself, warts and all!
I treasure you all and hope I get the chance someday to meet you in person and give you a big hug!

Love to all 
Tina xo

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Textile Art and New Directions

I have wanted to stretch my wings into textile art for awhile now and this Spring I decided to give it a try and see where it took me, these are my newest experiment and they are available in my Etsy shop (see right side-bar).

All the materials I used are VERY vintage, even the thread is over 60 years old.
In the last one I used a small silk medallion from a collection my great uncle had as a boy at the turn of the last century. I have been told they were giveaways in boxes of product like oatmeal.
Next I am going to work on some little mini quilts and I am toying with some unique ways to display them!!! Stay tuned for more fabric fun!

Hope everyone is having a great week!