
Monday, July 2, 2012

Little Faces That Made Me Smile

I made a few more little cuties from some of the vintage hardware I keep collecting from the odd garage sale or neighbors dropping off things they think I can use...
This little gal  (I call her Belle) was made from a vintage door plate and where the knob would be attached I made a little face from polymer clay. Her hair is wool roving that a friend picked up for me at a craft show from a local sheep farmer.
 And here is little Lucy....

 Of course the wood I mounted them on is from an old drawer that was languishing, but no more! The keys were from an old box of my great-uncle's junk.
I have to admit the more pleasurable thing about these are that I got to use things I have had hanging around for years and wasn't sure what the heck to do with them. I hate to throw things away so this was the perfect use for those items.
Well I have a new painting in the works in a different style from my usual and I am anxious to get back to it.. I hope everyone is safe and sound and that the weather will co-operate with us so we can have a grand 4th!

Tina xo