
Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Little Things

This has been a hectic week filled with catching up on household stuff and trying to find as much time as possible to create a few things....
Here is what I have been up to this past week or so:
Again I used old wood, some tulle and polymer clay face, arms and legs. The old hardware piece is screwed around a wine cork that is holding the tulle skirt. The garters are really meant to be attached to the bottom of a bra to hold it to your girdle (remember those?)

Her hair is mohair that I was lucky enough to have won in a lovely giveaway.
Here I made a small hand painted poly face, a velvet butterfly that I have held onto for ages and a key chain of Route 66. There are some sweet little charms added to the sides and of course my painting and stain finish for the wood piece.
Dear little Frida...pieces of old jewelery, a great old piece of wood from a vintage birdhouse that I painted crackled and stained, crochet lace from a VERY old doily, plaster tiles I made, carved and painted myself. Notice the piece of fabric I wove through her braid before baking the polymer clay. I thought that was a nice touch!!!
This has been fun and I still have a few more I would love to make using some very old escutcheons and then I think I will paint a few canvases in oil paint this summer and see if I can reproduce the images I have stored in my head.
I hope everyone has been having a good start to the summer even though the weather in some areas has been outrageous. It was 94 here yesterday (100 with the heat index) and even expected to get hotter today...ugh! I am not a huge fan of high temps and humidity.
Take care and be well whatever you choose to do today!

Tina xo

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Well Here We Go Again!

I spend so much of my time either running messages, cleaning up and making art that blogging has been the big loser here!
I swear I really have been super busy so most of the plans I started this season off with have gone caplooey....
Oh well, I am alive, I am well fed and ..hmmmm...ok relatively happy!
Here's what I have been working on the last few weeks and I am loving this assemblage stuff a BUNCH!

Made with mostly very old junk  priceless, vintage treasures and my own polymer clay face, arms and legs.
Title "Time Held the Key"

Next I did one I called "Queen of Her Heart"...
Once again I used only the most select priceless materials!!!
Actually the wood is from a VERY old birdhouse and a little jewel box.
Her crown is from an old bracelet that was given to me at 15 so that makes it ..ummmm....46 years old and ..gulp...I guess that makes it and me VINTAGE! ACKKK!

Yep I feel as old as this sweet crackled face some days but who said life would always be easy huh?
I hope this post finds everyone happy and making the best of the gifts life offers.
I am always thinking of you all whether I am able to post or not but I am going to try really hard to be more diligent about visiting and posting as my life feels quite empty without your sweet posts to read.....
Love always
Tina xo