
Friday, March 30, 2012

The Persimmons Twins

I spent yesterday browsing through all my saved photos looking for something to paint that had a happy, bright color combo that would inspire me and maybe bring a feeling of Spring into the voila!
The persimmons twins were born and will be listed this afternoon on Etsy!

I hope that Friday is being good to everyone and that the weekend is shaping up to be MARVELOUS BABY!

Tina xo

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dear Sweet Molly for Dear Sweet Frankie!

A portrait I completed for my friend Angela's daughter Frankie! This is her darling horse Molly and Angela wanted to get her portrait done for Frankie's birthday. I managed to get it done in time for the happy event and Frankie is thrilled. What more can an artist hope to accomplish?

Today is going to be another lovely, creative Sunday, my very favorite kind!

Because it's Sunday I thought I would add a verse of scripture that was on a B-day card I received from my sister recently.....

"Thou wilt show me the path of life:
in Thy presence is fullness of joy;
at Thy right Hand there are pleasures for evermore."

Psalm 16:11

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Tina xo

Friday, March 16, 2012

Today Is The First Day....etc....

Wow when I go on a downer I go for the long trip! And yes I do suffer from depression and no I do not medicate as meds and I do not mix, so I wait it out, watch the "Secret" or Wayne Dyer and say beaucoup prayers! For me the "Lord's Prayer" is the most powerful prayer ever and works every time!
Yep I sit in a dark corner and go into the ugly cry and feel incredibly sorry for myself until it is over. I wanted to share this because I know I am not the only person out there who feels badly afterwards that they haven't posted in a few weeks because there just didn't seem to be anything worthwhile to post about but there it is.
Anyway I crawled back out of the pit and did a painting that means a lot to me so I thought today would be a great day to post and share!
The background is covered in photocopies of letters my grandparents wrote to each other during the Depression. There are also a few fragments of letters my mom and aunt wrote to their father also. Most are from 1936 when grandpa was working in Pictou, Nova Scotia. He designed, built and installed boilers (heating systems) and managed to keep working all through the Depression with his trade. I still have some if his notebooks filled with his designs and scribbled notes.

The second wonderful thing the Lord blessed me with
during this last few weeks was the blooming of an old orchid that destined for the trash and I rescued her and have been nursing her for a couple of years, and finally she chose this past week to bloom.
So this week ended on a happy, bright note and this weekend I have loads of artwork to get to and I love it! I will also ....gasp....have time to visit  my favorite blogs and see how everyone else is doing. 
Love to all!
Tina xo