
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Something Old and Something New

I am still having a love affair with texture and enjoying every minute and this past week the painting I was working on just screamed for a frame. So into the abyss that is my spare room I went to look through my collection of old frames.
I always seem to come across old, mangled frames whenever I stop at a garage sale and when I spot one that says "Adirondack" all over it I grab it and haul it home!

Although I had to adjust the size of this frame to fit the painting, I think all in all it was a perfect fit for the subject and colors.
I did put a new protective coat of Poly over it as the original finish was worn and I wanted to keep it looking old and vintage while not losing anymore of the finish.

 So I am happy with the results and anxious to move on to the next project........small hint....
The painting will be on Ebay today...have a great Tuesday and keep moving forward!

Love Tina xo

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Garden Room Painting

I am still enjoying working with texture A LOT!

I decided to try something Impressionistic for this one and I am happy with how it turned out.
I find it hard sometimes to just paint without preconceived ideas and structures, putting the paint where I feel it should be without wondering "does that make sense?"
I took this photo outside because the shadows from the sunlight help show up the texture more emphatically.
Well it is on to the next project and playing "catch-up" with everything else around here. Have a great Sunday!

Tina xo

Friday, August 12, 2011

More Texture and Scrapbook Paper

                       I love color and experimenting with techniques I haven't tried before and I really enjoyed working on this painting over the last 2 days.
I always admired the Fauvists so it was inevitable that one day I would give this a try.
Done in acrylic with the addition of sanded tile grout and scrapbook paper.

P.S. For those who know me as Tina (my nick) my full name is Marguerite and Smith is my maiden name and the one I prefer to put on my art now. So now the world knows....well, my world anyway!
Have a delightful Friday evening...
Tina xo

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Blue Chair Painting

Anyone who knows me knows I have to take a break sometimes from one craft and dive into another. Yesterday I got the urge to try something different in painting and this is the result!

Usually I have to have everything just so in a painting and that gets BORING after a while. I wanted to just feel the color, go wild with texture and I found just the thing I needed to get the effect I was looking for. This painting had the addition of fine sand to the paint mixture and I am experimenting with a few other products to see what kind of results I get with those.
Well after a quick visit to the vet for some Clavamox for Squeaky I will be back playing with solder this afternoon! I also want to trip around my favorite blogs and see what you all are up to as well! I love to see what creative beauty has bloomed today!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Special Thanks Are Sent Your Way!

God bless each one of you sweet people who took the time to send a prayer Squeaky's way!
My regular vet, whom I had made the appointment with originally, was slammed this afternoon so they had called me to see if I could wait until tomorrow. I said no I couldn't, so they informed me I would have to pay double the usual fee as I would have to come in after 4pm. and that would classify as an "urgent" visit!
I won't go into any details other than to say I ended up going to another vet I had never seen before but they were kind enough to squeeze Squeaky in right away!

Dr. Karen was wonderful and gave Squeaky a good once over and told me that yes she had a temperature, but was not dehydrated (good news). So she classed it as an infection of unknown origin and Squeaky was given 2 injections (metacam and baytril) and I brought home liquid antibiotic for her to take this week.
To say I was relieved is an understatement! She is such an old girl and had such a hard life prior to arriving at my door and it would have broken my heart to lose her so soon.
She does need extensive dental work and that will have to be taken care of soon but for today, by the grace of God and thanks to your prayers, she is going to be fine!
Total cost $63!!! I was amazed it was so low! So I had another blessing in that my bank account wasn't depleted.
So thank you all once again for your kindness in taking the time to offer a prayer for Squeaky. Those prayers were appreciated more than you know!
Love to all....
Tina and Squeaky xo

Special Prayer Request

My poor little Squeaky was missing for 2 days, which was odd because she is not one to wander but sits on the deck and watches the world go by.
The first day she returned she ate and drank and I thought that with some rest she would perk up, but today she is not eating or going to the bathroom and I am taking her to the vet this afternoon at 4pm.
When she first showed up a year ago staring through my window she looked so pathetic. Undernourished, with missing teeth and with a terrible gash on her side that the vet thought may have been caused by her being thrown from a moving vehicle.
I am hoping that today she may just have an infection that can be treated simply with antibiotics. I had so hoped she would have a few more happy good years here with me and my "gang" of salvaged pets. 
So if you could take a moment and ask the Lord for a little blessing on her behalf I would so appreciate it!
Thanks so much, I love you all a bunch!

Tina xo

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Garage Sale Find!

I usually don't stop at many garage sales just because I can't always afford it but I had a neighbor who wanted to see what was available at a garage sale down the road from us so off we went.
Imagine my happy surprise that by the road was a box designated for disposal and inside I found what was for me a treasure!
Can you say "lickety split"? Yep that box was in the back of my vehicle in 2 seconds flat!
When I got home I was so thrilled to find these lovely pastel dishes, most of which were in excellent shape.
There were on or two of the bowls that were chipped on the edges but nothing that would detract from my enjoyment of them.
I love the pastel shades, so perfect for these hot, stuffy days. Almost refreshing in their simplicity of design and color!
I checked online and found out that even though it says "Interstate Sunrise Ware", that was a division of Homer Laughlin dishware.
They may not be Limoges or Spode, but I love them all the same and they were FREE!

Have a great day and happy "finding" to all!

Tina xo