
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Life Etc.

Everyday I get up with a full heart and mind just bursting with plans for the day!
I'm going to paint, clean, organize all that crafting and sewing stuff finally......
And then at the end of the day I crawl back into my bedroom like a whipped pup...yep, another day in the disappointing world of broken dreams and missed goals...sniff.
Ok I do get some things done, but nowhere near what I had seen getting accomplished in my mind's eye!
Inspiration....where does it come from? 

Looking at the fabulous posts on your blogs, browsing through my favorite magazines, nature, my garden                           all of the above
and then sometimes it just arrives on the wings of a beautiful, bright bird!
So this past week I tried to put that concept into a painting. I took some bamboo pieces a friend had given me, a generous amount of texture medium and built a nest that I then placed in a tree made of paper. I added some little fellow seekers (to keep me company on the wait) and there she came as big as life, Mama inspiration, on the wings of possibility, singing a song of joy and carrying within her the seeds of an idea to share! It made me smile when it was finished...
So I decided to try something I have thought of for awhile now....
A portrait of Frida done with paper mache on canvas board. This is just the second layer with much sanding in between. When this is dry I will sand again and refine it a bit before painting. So far it has been a fun project and today I hope to get another layer applied.

Today is a good day!

Tina xo

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Finally a Really Productive Week!

I love getting lots of things accomplished each week and to say I fall short of the mark most of the time is an understatement. 
You see I have neighbors who love to cruise over to my place every afternoon (morning, evening, whenever) for coffee and although it's nice that they want to come over to see what I am doing each day it can be counter productive sometimes.....ok most of the time.
I finally managed this week though, to kindly explain I needed some "alone creative time" and IT WORKED! YAY!
So I was able to work on a couple of paintings to donate for an auction to benefit the local animal shelter.
Because this is a small town and unemployment is high our local shelters are always struggling for help. Sadly although I have been leaving messages all week to find out where and when the auction is, no one has returned my call! So later today I will be putting these on paintings on Ebay and donating the proceeds to the shelter.
I have always used the proceeds from my pet portraits to care for my rescue pets also, so if anyone would ever like to have a portrait done of their pet please do let me know and I will be happy to work out a price with you!
Have a wonderful weekend...and keep creating beauty in your life!

Tina xo