
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cat Drama

I thought I would post a picture of the dare devil Mickey who created all the drama this week. Hopefully he has retired from looking for adventure in sub zero temps!

New Angel

I finally had the time to finish this painting. This was a stressful week with all the cold and one of my poor babies (Mickey the cat) having gotten out the door last Monday morning. But finally today he got close enough for me to snag and he is safely back in the fold, whew! So today I was able to get the pictures I needed to put this on Ebay and post a pic here as well. This afternoon I am working on an abstract and so far I am liking it! Happy Sunday!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bright Sunday

This morning while listening to Arts Showcase on PBS I finally finished my Frida with the Red Scarf. Sometimes I have an almost deja'vu feeling about certain paintings and this is one of them. I am putting her on Ebay and already my mind is spinning with a million new ideas, now if I could just find the time and the patience. Does anyone else find it tedious trying to create AND keep a neat home?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Frida

I finally am relatively satisfied with this painting so she is going on Ebay today. It's so funny but I have this love-hate relationship with all my paintings. There are stages in the development that I am so in love with what I see and then I want to burn it...what is that? Schizophrenia? :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Angel on Ebay

I finished this angel a few weeks ago and last week I put her on Ebay in my store One Wild Swan! I guess with all the terrible news from Haiti I totally forgot to post a photo of her here on my blog but better late than never. I am working on a few things to auction that I can earmark the proceeds for Haiti. I can't believe that I didn't know how sad things were there even before the earthquake, God bless them and keep them and His angels lift them up!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Painting

Last night I put this angel on Ebay. I have been working on her all week and I just fell in love with her face. I become fascinated with some of the work I do and turning them loose is a test for me. I hope the world sees in her what I saw in her demeanor.
The dress is actual fabric from my stash and was applied with Golden gel medium and then enhanced with the addition of a glaze of diluted purple paint.

Angel on Etsy

Last week I worked on an angel in a different style from my usual painting and put it on Ebay. She didn't do well there so I put her on Etsy after the Ebay auction was over and we will see if she likes living there for a bit! I added texture medium to the paint and I really like the dimensional look. It has led me to thinking in a different way about working on canvas and adding dimension. I have always thought that art work even on a canvas could have more presence, look more alive. So today I am going to Michael's and check out what sparks my imagination.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Continuing cold!!

Whatever did we do to deserve this, haha! I have the heat turned up and I still can't get warm. Are human being subject to permafrost? Oh well I did take a couple of pictures this morning of the pretty sunrise the frosty weather brought. Those of you who are in a warm area....:P

Friday, January 8, 2010


It is cold this morning! It was hard to get a picture without the vapor my breath generates in this freezing weather obscuring the view. But I had to put out seed for the brave little birds that come each morning looking for sustenance and I just needed to get a picture of these courageous fellows who spend the winter months here with the rest of us and give us hope that warmth will return soon.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Painting

I have found myself being more prolific than even I had expected, but hey go with it it right? This past week I did a painting of an angel that I am really happy with. I love it when things turn out the way I pictured them and this time it did. I had an idea about using Golden gel medium and applying real fabric to the canvas for her dress. First I tea stained the fabric to dull it down a tad and after it had dried I painted a few stylized roses around the neck and shadowed some areas with a thin mixes of mauve and cobalt blue. Of course it is done in acrylic, I have yet to dedicate more time to oils and watercolors, but their time is coming!!!

New Year!

Here we are back at the beginning or so it seems sometimes. Last year ended with many challenges, my son moved to Missouri with his beloved Lydia so I spent the holiday season alone. My precious dog of 13 years, Lili, died on December 19th after a long and largely undiagnosed illness. And yet......through all the tears and sighs I am alive and strangely I am renewed. So I begin again, fresh and filled with ideas and inspiration that I have to give God all the credit for. I prayed for strength and purpose and He came through for me once again. So in the midst of all, I have some peace. Jesse is a phone call away, Lili is with me in my heart, and angels lift and sustain me. It's 2010 and I am well!