
Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's Been Awhile!

Boy can life get out of hand! Well I am making a commitment to myself to put myself at least closer to the top of the list! I promise to make a supreme effort to post each day, to be truthful no matter what, to be proud of who I am right now not who I want to be someday.

Ok thank goodness there isn't anyone to hold me to that....except...ME!

So for today I finished a lovely portrait of Frida and I am posting that tonight. Tomorrow I have some angel paintings I have been working on and have sold on Ebay and I will be posting them.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wow What A Week

This has been a heck of a week! Rain, rain, rain and COLD! October has been very unkind to the garden this year. Oh well, in the meantime I did manage to start a few new paintings and finished one today that will be listed on Ebay soon. I call it "Young Frida" as it is from an old black and white photo taken when Frida was quite young. I am happy with this one finally and ready to turn it loose. I have decided to start a project featuring angels as the holiday season fast approachs and I am already getting into the spirit. I have some great ideas about painting on old wood from drawers or to find some old wood, lol! Wish me luck.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Working Away in Plattsburgh

I will be working all day on another Frida painting and I can hardly wait to get to it. First of course is feeding the pets and taking the dog outside for a little "catch the tennis ball" and once they are all settled in it is my time with my brushes!

Here is the preliminary sketch:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Here She Is!

I finally put down the brush and turned her loose. I am ready for the next installment and first thing in the morning I will start a new sketch of Frida and see how she appears to me this time. I am very excited about this process, is it always so engrossing?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Autumn Mood

Today is rainy and cold, cold, cold! And in my mind that leads to thoughts of Halloween, All Saints Day and Mexico's Day of the Dead.

I have always liked the idea of honoring our ancestors, including them in our day to day life in a natural and real way. That led me to thinking of Frida, one of my favorite women. Brave, strong, a free spirit and such an inspiration to any aspiring female artist.
So with that in my heart today I decided to start a series of portraits and who better to start with than Frida! Here is the preliminary sketch on paper. So far I like it! Now to choose the beginning colors and sketch the outline on canvas.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sweet Little Bernice

I wanted to give little Bernice her moment also. I love painting children and although these little paintings are almost in the cartoon genre I still pour a lot of love into them.

I remember my first party was filled with a mixture of fear and! I was so sure no one would ask me to dance and I would be mortified for life. Wow isn't it strange how everything in life seems so much more devastating when you're young?

In the end we all had fun and it was a great memory!

Sorry if my pics are not very pro but I don't have a great lot of experience yet.

Painting The Weekend Away!

I finally finished my sweet pudgy ladies who have been caught in limbo for a few weeks now. I was inspired to finish them and get them out there on Ebay for the world to see.

I hope they strike a cord with all best friends and remind you of happy times and celebratory moments. I love that they are not part of the diet set! Geez I wish I could just embrace my inner cuddly and keep smiling....

Friday, September 25, 2009


Wow I have another painting finished and listed....It feels great to see my little offerings in lights (on my screen anyway, lol) I hope it speaks to the small child in all of us. Tonight I am taking a break and knitting on a shawl I started a few months ago. I will get a picture of the shawl posted soon too.
I have to admit I am going to watch some of my favorite shows on tv tonight (Ghost Whisperer, Numbers). I hope this is a great weekend for everyone!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I just listed my third painting in my Ebay store! I am just so thrilled to finally be taking the steps I have dreamed of for so long. I hope in my wildest dreams to someday know what the heck I am doing on the computer and be able to stand next to all the great artists I have been seeing on Ebay, Etsy, and Blogspot. I am going to post a picture of the painting I put on Ebay and if anyone happens to stubble upon my blog please do let me know what you think...oh by the way I am calling it "Prairie Storm" what else huh?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Does Life Work?

I seem to be always trying to find a clue, a clue to how to keep my chin up no matter what. You would think that by now I would have learned a few tricks.
My son will be going to Missouri next month (I just heard that news), my beloved dog is sick and getting old (ongoing challenge for the last 6 months) and I am trying to find my footing as an artist (my lifelong dream). My life feels like a soap opera.
I want to be one of those people who smile through the pain, keep their tears behind their eyes but all I feel is my heart being squeezed.
Well time to get out the paint and brushes and let everything else go for a few hours!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Not Fancy or Anything!

This is the first chance I have had to start writing as last week I was busy painting a garage with my friend Julie. We will be finishing up the job this week, Yay! I finally got 2 paintings listed in my new Ebay store and I am really excited about taking that first step. They are both done in acrylic and I decided to finish them off in a unique way (for me anyway) with grosgrain ribbon attached on either side with brass furniture tacks. I thought it was a cute and shabby chic way to hang them.